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So ladies, when you are out en femme and nature calls, what toilet do you use if the place doesn't have genderless toilets? It can be a difficult choice between using the men's bathroom or the woman's toilets. How have you addressed this, and do you have any good stories to share about misadventures while out en femme?
I use the ladies room but do try to hurry in and out. I have yet to have an issue but I am definitely aware that in some areas of the US I might. The most crowded one I have ever used was at a Buc-ees gas station. These stations are unique in that they are huge with over 120 pumps as some of them. These are also unique in that each stall is completely enclosed but there are a ton of them. Last time I used one there was a constant line of women going in and out. Fortunately there was not a line waiting for one though. I have never had to wait in a line for a restroom fortunately and I do not think I would be comfortable doing so. I have waited quite a few times in lines for dressing rooms though.
I use the women's room while dressed but get in and out as quickly as possible. I tend to be self conscious.
If you present yourself as a lady, it has to be the ladies restroom, it would be just too dangerous to try to use the men’s. You just need to go in there and take care of your business in and out like a normal lady, act you belong in there, make sure you do sit down, you don’t want to be seen facing the toilet, plus the sound will be different assuming is number one. I have used it plenty of times, so far no issues.
When outwardly dressed, i always use the Ladies room. It would be too risky to use the men's, as well as create too much of an issue. I'm not into issues.
I've never had a problem, even waiting in lines when I have too. When done, I'll check my hair and lips maybe then move on.
I've lately been pondering this question too.
Back in 2009, when I was last out and about in Newcastle-upon-Tyne's LGBTQ+ scene (or any scene, for that matter) the advice I got from other Tgirls was to use the Ladies because I was presenting as a female. I did so with no problems at all (apart from the one fella who burst in looking for fun. My friend gave him short shrift and chased him out fast).
Recent times has seen a very public backlash against crossdressers from certain celebrities on social media. This has made me wonder what our current position is, particularly as this week I'm due out in public for the first time in 15 years.
I have NEVER been comfortable in a men’s public restroom. No matter how I’m dressed. The same goes for men’s locker rooms. While I haven’t gone out dressed completely enfemme, I do go out under dressed. I do a lot of travel to the same area on a semi regular basis. There is a picnic area about halfway and at the times I go through, is usually sparsely populated. When that is the case, I always use the women’s restroom. I just feel more comfortable and since I always sit to tinkle, it makes sense. There is no sense of perversion or any wrong intentions, I just simply feel better and safer using the women’s facilities.
Hello Lea, When I am out fully dressed I always use the ladies toilets (restroom), it is always safer to use then the men's toilets, less hassle or confrontation. Only time I would not use or wait to use the ladies is if there was some young girls with there mothers in there. Otherwise use the ladies always.
I realise that there are laws in some states in the U.S. with Florida the most comprehensive making it criminal. I may be wrong but believe this relates to government run places, governing buildings, possibly airports and K12 schools and would wager that they would have to provide gender neutral facilities. There are some states with some form of restrictions and the majority do not have any. It's best to check.
There is a lot of noise here in the U.K. from the anti trans lobby but it isn't against the law and the regulations do not exclude trans from using the facilities. I have used the ladies restrooms for many years without incident.
The way I see it is that if you look the part then play it.
I am dressed en fem 24 hours a day and do my daily functions as Denise. I always use the women's restroom and it seems to be pretty natural now.
I have never felt comfortable using the men's restroom ever. I feel a lot more comfortable in the women's restroom. Just remember to always sit when you are going to the batrhoom and just go about your business as a woman and you'll be fine.
I've never had an issue even waiting in line for the women's restroom no one has ever given me a second look and I've always felt good going about my business as a woman.
I mostly plan ahead to minimize the need. The simplest solution is to take advantage of one of our greatest male attributes, the ability to pee into the bushes.
I have used public multiperson women's bathrooms and I just wait until it is minimally occupied. I have also used local restaurants and other places with small single-person bathrooms.
I use the ladies room all the time.
My choice of restrooms is always dependent on how I am presenting. As I do not generally present as woman regardless of the clothing that I may be wearing, I will usually use the mens restroom. However, on the rare occassion when I am presenting as a woman, I will use the womens restroom without hesitation. In either case, I enter with confidence, take care of business, and depart. I have never had an issue.
MacKenzie Alexandra
When out en femme I have always used the ladies room since I percieve it to be safer than the mens rooms. Havent had any issues but just remember not to stand while peeing girls. If its not crowded I also will use the mirror to freshen up lipstick and eye makeup.
Girls, be careful of the conservative states in the southern USA. Sometimes men are standing outside waiting for their wives or girlfriends to come out of the restroom. This is a recipe for disaster. Be aware of your surroundings and be careful out there especially in intolerant areas.