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Over the last few months, my cross dressing style has developed and I've become quite used to going out in public, never wanting to get back into drab on my return but having to for one reason or another. My wife has commented in the past, and today, that she thinks I'd dress all the time if I could and I tend to agree.
A little something has been gnawing at me for a couple of weeks and that is a concern that I'm going too far, too fast, so I had a conversation with SO this morning. I told her I was concerned that I might be moving too fast for her and that I really didn't want her to feel she was being left behind with her supportiveness. I asked her if she was truly ok with my dressing whilst at the same time emphasising that I was still, and would always be, her male husband and would not put her in a position wherein she was uncomfortable. Her reply (paraphrased) after our return from a shopping trip for girly stuff (I was in drab today):
"I've been in a shop where you tried on earrings and a necklace, your nails are painted red and you were wearing women's rings and earrings. We went into a changing room where you tried on bras. You regularly wear women's clothes both at home and out and about, I call you Becca when dressed, we have matching girly tattoos. I think the time for worry about such things is long past and I've never seen you happier. both in drab and dressed."
I'm fairly confident she has my back now, don't you think?
Oh Becca what a great posting! Yes I believe she has your back and more. Many of us girls could only hope for such acceptance. Your one lucky couple!
Natalie 💋💋
Yes, she has your back. I don't think she could have been more plain about it, but that does not mean you should just charge ahead. Marriage is a partnership and thrives in good, open, honset cinversations like the one you just had. Keep those up and you will be fine.
You girl are what most of us hope and dream to be! Live life and enjoy it and do not look back!
Well I think that clears up how she feels Becca. Just remember to check in every now and again. You have a gem there.
You did the absolute right thing by checking in with your wife to see how things were going. Stay with that mindset and you should be fine for the future.
Becca -
How wonderful for you to have such an understanding and supportive wife. As has been said many of us wish we had the same. Enjoy having the freedom to be who you are.