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Hi girls. So I'm sitting here late on Thursday evening. My wife and younger daughter are heading for Croatia in the early hours of tomorrow. Eleven months of planning have brought me to the anticipation of spending 10 days entirely en femme. Amazon basket fully loaded and 3 dresses and a skirt in my Roman basket.
Of course, life's not like that, and a number of challenges have presented themselves.
1. My younger daughter's flat has a sudden mouse infestation. I have, not unreasonably, been deputed to sort this out in her absence. As I see it this means calling in pest control, at not inconsiderable expense. But more poignantly I imagine this will involve me receiving a call at a completely unpredictable time to allow them access to the property.
2. We have had landscape gardeners in for the last couple of weeks. I didn't want this work done. It's expensive and I didn't really see much benefit, but the wife always wins these things in the end. They were supposed to finish last week but have been absent on a number of days, and there's still work to be done. If it's not finished tomorrow they'll be back next week. Which days are unclear.
3. My elder daughter, who is not on the Europe trip, is 6 months pregnant. They've been trying for years so it's a great blessing. Whilst we meet up regularly she's just said something I've never heard her say before, which is that she's thinking of popping over at the weekend, or maybe in the week if her work schedule allows. Her husband is away on a stag weekend. All too vague for comfort.
The bottom line is that I think my grandiose plans have gone out the window. 3 dresses and a cheeky short skirt are not going to happen. I'm sort of clinging on to a slight hope that with a few judicious conversations I may be able to free up a safe day. Sort of Chrissie lite. I don't know if I can swing it but I'll do my best. Frankly I'm heartbroken but we'll see if something can be salvaged. I feel a bit of a fraud after my big build up 😂.
At least I still have my makeover to look forward to next Friday. Sorry to vent girls, but I guess normal life often just gets in the way of our femme dreams.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Hi Chrissie,
The mouse problem can be resolved with poisson which is what the pest guys would probably use.
You can get it at hardware stores. It seems that the flat will be available and that the landscape gardeners won`t be there .
Coast is clear have fun my dear.
Ah, Chrissie, I so sympathise with you. So many times in my closet days did I look forward to extended periods of opportunity, only for them to be dashed for some reason or other. It's such a feeling of disappointment that it is almost palpable, isn't it?
I do hope you manage to find at least some time to be able to indulge yourself.
Thank you girls for all your suggestions, including some that require me to be more assertive and practical than I am naturally 😂. I'm gonna spend today formulating a plan to rescue at least a couple of days xx.
Hi Chrissie
Firstly all these are things that have happened that are not your doing so you are definitely not a fraud. I am so sorry to hear you have all these spanners in the works that might limit the Chrissie time you will have but as the other girls have said all is not lost. With the landscapers you are the customer so it is no problem to tell them it doesn't suit you for them to come for the next 10 days.
The other girls ideas to buy some mouse baits and just chuck them in her apartment is excellent and there is no reason when you are buying them and putting them in the apartment why you cant be all female under your pants and jumper.
Congrats that your daughter is expecting a little one. As some have suggested I think if you let her know you have a few plans for the week and will be out and about a bit so she will have to call and check with you if you are going to be around. When talking to her if you can get an idea of what her schedule for the week is it will give you some times where you know she won't be thinking at all about visiting you.
I wish you all the best Chrissie and hope you have an amazing week. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.
Oh Chrissie, there's really nothing more that I can add to this that already hasn't been said. Know though that I've been here in Montana, excited and waiting for your time to come and totally feel your pain, been there, done that. My only suggestion is that you don't purge and instead hide your dresses well, so that even if you only have the afternoon to dress, you can slip one of those cuties on and feel the thrill, if only for a brief moment.
I do look forward for the make over pictures though!
Ah, the best-laid plans of mice (sorry) and men (or ladies in this case)...
Sorry it's all turning to s***, I know you've been planning this for ages.
Big hug
Sorry to hear about your situation, Chrissie. However, I am looking forward to seeing your makeover pictures. Cindy is an absolute magician.
Hey girls. It is with a heavy heart that I've concluded I cannot go through with my desire to dress this week. The challenges I've already outlined, plus some unexpected interactions with friends and neighbours, have led me to conclude that I don't see a way to have a comfortable and relaxing opportunity to transform into my femme side. I thank all you ladies for your support and helpful suggestions but I can't be doing with lies and subterfuge. As a man I'm so laid back as to be almost comatose but this whole business has left me so stressed. I've been agonising over how to handle things satisfactorily but I haven't managed to find a solution that's going to work comfortably. Heck, some of you wonderful girls are out and about, and I can't even find a way to dress with 10 days to myself. I repeat that I feel a bit of a fraud, and that I've let you lovely ladies down. Frankly I'm heartbroken.
I've still got my makeover on Friday, so all is not lost. And I'm devoting Thursday to another, less time consuming, 'minority interest'. Don't ask 😂. Once again thank you lovely lot for your support. Next time maybe, if there is a next time.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Chrissy, I think you should thank God that your family still loves you. My wife left me and my daughter disowned my. I haven’t seen her in over two years. That is grief. You will have opportunities to be Chrissy, but cherish your loved ones when you can. They may not always be there,
Thanks Chrissy and I wish only the best for you.
Hi Chrissie
Tell me about it I have been there so many times........ But your time will come, hopefully with out interruption, then you have the feeling of complete happiness and bliss. It is very difficult and very frustrating at times, but things will get better, hopefully, and the the time for dressing will come at some point. Good luck, I hope it all works out for you.........
Oh Chrissie, I am so sorry for your time being taken from you, but a fraud your certainly are not. I think the fact that you can except the reality of the situation thrown at you proves that, remember your comfort zone is far more important than forcing yourself into a place you really don't feel good in. I would suggest though that when you're setting those mouse traps, that you're wear those silky panties, it will help put a little smile in your heart and no one but you will know why. Have a wonderful day Thursday and do enjoy your makeover to it's fullest!
Girls, I'm feeling quite overwhelmed by your love and support in my time of crisis (first world problems 😂). I'm feeling quite emotional, not something that usually happens in drab mode. So many understanding and practical responses, but significantly you all seem to inherently grasp where I am mentally, and given my head space I wouldn't have found the profound satisfaction I was seeking. I still have the makeover to come and I'm sure I'll post some pics, but I do wonder if I'll ever get the chance to dress at home again. That's hard to take. Once again thank you my lovelies.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Hi Chrissie, I really feel for you ... after so much anticipation, planning, preparing ... But as everyone has said, there is absolutely nothing fraudulent about this; it just brings back my memories of project planning memes: "Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong, it will" together with its corollary "Murphy was an optimist".
When I retired, my opportunities for closet crossdressing when away on business ended; I thought "That's it - no more CD for me". But 6 years later the opportunities emerged, things started to change and now I am able to CD openly. So just keep the thought in mind that one day new opportunities may well emerge.
Meanwhile, relish every moment of Friday's makeover. Have a good long chat with the makeover artist (though you might get told to be quiet, occasionally, as the transformation progresses 😉 ), and hopefully you will be able to share the beauty of the final result with us.
And a last thought - would you ever be able to take a day or two away on a break by yourself?
Anyway, many hugs from me, Rebecca xxx