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Hey ladies-
Here's a quick story. Where I work I have been slowly gaining confidence with presenting there. I have occasionally wore just a little make up, I'm always in womens shoes but figured no one could tell, and because I'm a crazy bicyclist figured no one thought about my shaved legs. However, I guess the rumors have been flying.
Yesterday (a Sunday) I was working and saw a woman friend who does the same job I do cleaning this ladies room. We are janitors. I went to chat with her as it was fifteen or so from lunch break. As I went into the ladies restroom I said, "I'll come in so we don't have to yell. Hell, I'm more of a woman now a days than a man anyways." A little later she told me that she knew about me being trans and didn't care. She said that most of the women we work with had heard rumors and no one cared. Then she looked at me and said something about people we work with being okay with it and cooler than I thought eh? Of course then I had to show her photos of me in heels and she said I have nice legs.
Anyway, I had to share that story because it's sort of cool.
Neat huh?
This sounds like you have a very supportive work environment.
I would say better than neat Jessica, I would say awesome!
Jessica that's awesome. I had a similar experience where a lady saw my panties showing when I was getting a drink. She told me and tuck the tag so no one else saw. I like that some people know that way I don't feel as uncomfortable if it comes out.
That's wonderful Jessica! You go girl!
It's certainly makes life so much better when our work environment is so accepting. And especially when everyone don't really care how we look , how we act and being okay with it. Wonderful to hear. .
Stephanie 🌹