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The land of lost earrings,

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Hi girls how  many of you have been out for a night out on the town dressed in all your finery and got home to find you have lost one of your earrings, 

It's not something that has happened to me personally has I've never actually been out on the town dressed up, Yet !!! 

I ask this question because every so often as I'm walking round the town where i live i spot another lost earring on the floor which i always pick up i must have a drawer full of lost earrings all odd ones too, stay lucky girls and don't lose your earrings, 

Love Roz ❤️ 

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Honorable Member     Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@rozalyne  Yes I've lost a few. I wear clip-ons. What I do now is to buy two sets so I have two spares. I only buy inexpensive earrings. Best, Marlene.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@rozalyne "Have your ears pierced while you wait." 

Sign in a jewelry store.

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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I've been thinking about having my ears pierced for quite some time, I would love to have multiple piercing in each ear maybe 3 or 4 piercings, so i could have a drop earring and some studs, 

Love Roz ❤️ 

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Estimable Member     Staten Island, New York, United States of America
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@rozalyne I don't wear earrings simply because I know I will lose them. Also, I feel the ones I would wear would get caught in my wig and that would be no fun when you're dancing. If it was my real hair, I could feel if they're getting caught and put a stop to it, but because it's a wig I won't feel it until there's a major knot. Too bad, because I think earrings are pretty and I would like to wear them.

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Estimable Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@orcharddwee there are magnetic ones and small clip ones that might do the trick for you.  They can be as small as the simple ones people get at first piercing.  

all the cuteness with minimal risk.🩷

Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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I have pierced ears. I think if you wear earrings without a clasp or closure of some kind, losing one or two goes with the territory, certainly in my house.  I suspect I have more single earrings than pairs. 

But as Suzanne mentioned, you can get cheap unobtrusive clear rubber 'backs' to keep your fish hook dangly earrings safe. My friendly market stall earring seller took pity on me and gave me a pack. All I have to do is remember to use them!

eM x



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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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I've always fancied having my ears pierced, I would love to have a number of piercings in each ear i think it looks nice having a drop earring and a couple of studs in each ear,

Love Roz ❤️ 

Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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@rozalyne is there any reason why you can't ? If not, wny not give it a go.

eM X

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Honorable Member     Citrus hills, Florida, United States of America
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@rozalyne i have lost 2 and i dont have pierced ears. So many have told me not to pierce and so clip-on types fall off !

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Eminent Member     Northwest of Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Posts: 16

@rozalyne What a great topic, and lots of wonderful advice! Maybe a dumb question, but I because I'm not ready to get my ears pierced, for several reasons, where do/can you all get clip-ons in this day and age. I haven't been able to find them at regular commercial department stores. And I don't want to order online..... Any advice?

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Noble Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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I often wear earrings while drab. I only buy cheap ones. Normally from Lovissa which sells the style I like. 

Over time they get lost. Or ill lose one. 


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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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Well...let me think...if one person picked up the lost earrings that managed to work their way loose on various nights, they would have a collection of at least a dozen earrings!

I have pierced ears and gravitated to wearing only hoops instead of dangles as most dangles use french hooks that go through your earlobes.  These can easily come out and you don't know you've lost one until you check yourself in a mirror - and have that nasty moment where you realize one is gone and have to remove the remaining earring in order to have matching ears, LOL  The hoops I love wearing all have a latch at the back so it is impossible for them to come loose.

Hugs girls,

Ms. Lauren M

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Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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@reallylauren I have no plans to do piercings, but it's fascinating to hear from the front lines that pierced ears are not the be-all and end-all for secure earrings! "Hang" in there... 😍

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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The only time I lost an earring is when I was taking off a pair of clip ons, one fell off the dresser and down the heating vent. 

I got my ears pierced a couple years ago and wear earrings 24/7, mostly studs or hoops. I do wear dangling ones on occasion when out and about which have fishhook attachments. I use plastic holders on them to prevent them from sliding out (I bought a bag of 100 from Michaels) and never had a problem with them coming out. I like those holders better than the ones that come with most earrings. 


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Honorable Member     Citrus hills, Florida, United States of America
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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Oh yes have I lost a few over the years. There must be a place where things we knew we had a moment ago collect, pens, teaspoons in a land of their own.

Recently I dropped my car off for a service and a short while later realised a ring had gone. When I went to pick the car up there it was on the service counter!

Whether found again or not it is an excuse to buy more..

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I've not lost an earring outside. Have lost one in the house and it's turned up in my bra. 

A few years ago I lost a pendant at work which I had would since my teens. I did find a similar replacement which doesn't have the same sentimental value.

My wife lost a Welsh gold ring a year or so ago that she had only had for a week.



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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Nope, can't say that's ever happened to me. My diamond studs are screw back so it would take an awful lot for them to come out. The others would be french wire, lever back or hoops and I would notice one of them trying to escape.

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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Wait, are you telling me the earrings I lost have fallen through a wormhole and ended up on the other side of the pond? Is this wormhole reversable? Is it big enough for a person? You know, we might be on to a nice business proposal here. Laugh Cry  

Before I got my ears pierced, I lost several earrings, most probably because it got caught in my hair or wig. Since getting my ear pierced, I only lost one of my starter earrings because they were next to impossible to put on by yourself. The backing came through the ear, and you had to push the earring into the tiny hole in the backing that's out in space just in front of your earlobe. It's like trying to thread a needle when the needle is in front of your ear lobe. Even my daughter doing it for me had trouble because everything was small, and she has small hands.

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Yes Alison i think there is a wormhole sending your earrings over here Giggle I'm not sure how we can reverse it Confused Face , i found another earring just the other day, I must have so many odd earrings, I'm just wondering what the people who lost them feel about losing one, 

Love Roz ❤️ 

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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
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Roz, OMG! This has definitely happened to me. The last time it happened, I was shopping in a dept store and I tried on a necklace. I put it back and walked away from the counter. As I walked away, a gentleman came up behind me and tapped me on my shoulder. He handed me my earring and said, “I think you lost this ma’am.”  It had apparently fallen when I slipped off the necklace. 
I was surprised and then thankful to him. Not only for helping me with my earing, but for calling me “ma’am!”

He definitely made my day! 🥰

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Lisa I'm so pleased for you to be called ma'am while you are out Enn Femme must have been fabulous, I've not had that pleasure myself yet, I've often thought about having my ears pierced but not actually done it yet, I don't think my wife would mind if i did get them pierced i think she would say I'm a bit mad like when i came home with a tattoo, 

Love Roz ❤️ 😍 

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Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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🤣 In my short CD career so far, I have lost earrings THREE times; each time, they stayed lost for awhile, then magically reappeared! (George Carlin once did a bit on where do things go when they're lost 🤣 ) All clip-ons; I have taken this a warning to always make sure my earrings are secure, and I have taken the finding each time as the universe's way of telling me that I'm doing the right thing being Kendra 😍 

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Estimable Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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Yes I’ve had some fall off - clip ons for me.


im normally carrying lots of extras for these “just in case scenarios”… extra earrings, extra nails + glue, eyelashes, pins … I’m trying to be ready for anything 


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