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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I have been dressed almost all day today, which is a record for me. I have been en femme almost from the moment I got up this morning and I am still dressed now at coming on to eleven at night -- apart from two times when I had to take the dog out in the village. This morning, I messed up my makeup (panda-eyes) so my wife did it for me, I really need more practice.


My wife and I have been to a garden centre, then to a big Tesco (do they have Tesco in the States?). We bought, at the garden centre, some plants, a little garden implement and a calf-length skirt from their clothing section, at Tesco we bought me two tops to go with the skirt. I went out dressed in leggings and a black jumper but after getting home I put the skirt and top on and have spent all my time wearing that this evening, even going out in the dark to take the dog for a last wee in the garden. 

There were a few people nearby when I parked the car on return this afternoon but I no longer worry about being seen en femme by people round here. No one actually saw me but honestly, I don't think I'll care if they do, it's almost as if I'm hoping to get caught so I can dress locally as well.

There is a TV personality/comedian/marathon runner over here called Eddie Izzard. For years he has been wearing makeup, the occasional blouse or skirt but in general he dressed mostly male. In the last few years, he has slowly transitioned from occasional androgynous clothing to calling himself Suzy Izzard and appearing fully dressed en femme. He would never be mistaken for a woman but he doesn't care and I'm rather using him as inspiration.

Anyway, it has been a good day and a long day as a woman -- it's been wonderful.


Love Becca


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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1451

@rebeccabaxter Reading this put a smile on my face, I completely recognise that not caring / expanding the horizons mentality 😀  You'll reap the rewards and I'm really happy for you 🙂  You go girl 🤗  Here's to many more good long days as a woman!  

Fiona xxx

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2178


That sounds great, Becca, it's always good to read joyous news, a real antidote to the doom and gloom.

I really liked Izzard's quote from a few years ago, although it may no longer be entirely accurate,  and I'll paraphrase , "I'm all boy with some extra girl". 

Allie x

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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I just looked up Sally Izzard. Age is making itself known. Well dressed, though, regardless. It sounds as if your wife is helping you to look good, too.

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Trusted Member     Florida, United States of America
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Eddie/Sally Izzard had a great turn in the movie "Across The Universe" which is itself a very enjoyable movie based on music by the Beatles. Check it out. Best watched "en femme" as are most shows!

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Becca -

What a lovely day for you. It is nice that your wife is so helpful, there is nothing better than having your wife's help. I haven't ventured out yet but my wife has helped me with my make up and I've spent the day at home dressed with her. Hope you have more adventures like that soon.



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