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Happy belated b-day Roz!
your Gemini twin,
I started late. Old guy doing old guy things. Happy as a clam. Going along just fine. Didn’t see it coming. Drove directly into it and there was nothing I could do about it. Out of the blue straight into the pink.
Tiffany Smith just posted an article that really echoes my origin story. There is probably an element of autogynophilia at play as well. Mona posted a couple very good articles on the subject.
Although I wonder about it often enough, I’m happy and secure enough at this point to just really really enjoy it.
Clara, with her pink fog lights on.
Hi Grace, great questions, The urge as has not gotten any more stronger its just a little more convenient lets say. I have accomplished most things in my life. I went to school, got married, had children, enjoyed a great career, got to travel and got see may be half the world on a company credit card. Do not get me wrong, I did what most here have done, shopped until I dropped, purged and started over again. I just got to shop in different countries at some one else's expense. But I was worth it. My explanation for wild shopping spree's was I was shopping for my wife and no one questioned it. I do not believe there are more or even less the amount of CD's out there. I believe it has remained about the same percentage of people through out history. Why we are like this? If I was asked 5 years ago I would just say I do not have a clue, it is what it is and just accept it and move on. To day I believe, something happened or you could say something did not happen during pregnancy before I was born. That's for whole other discussion. A percentage of babies are born male others were born female and then there is us a small percentage are born with the genitalia of one sex and the brain of the opposite. I am sure there other factors that contribute to our let say odd behavior. It is interesting that so many of us are lets say mature in age only, I still believe i am twenty years old. but time goes by fast that is for sure. My situation may be different from others. I have done everything that society has asked of me. I have done for others and always put myself on the back burner. Its time to think about what is right for me. A bit selfish but i have earned the right to be selfish. I believe that is true for so many mature people including our GG counter parts. They have put them selves on the back burner also. They just want to relax and enjoy what they have created We want the same. We just want to enjoy what we created but enjoy expressing our selves in the feminine. Some would say its a little odd, but in comparison to others who may want to climb Mt Everest or travel across the ocean's in a one man canoe we may seam a little mild a cute mild. Just my opinion today Thanks for the question
Luv Stephanie
"Having a cup of tea to get over the shock that one of the FNC has been serious."....
enjoy it while you can....I think I had a total eclipse.....it happens, but not often!!!🤣🤣 x
"pink jello".....👍😂👍
Happy Birthday Roz....virtual pink huggs coming your way!!!!
Feeling the same Laura.... from another closet Laura. OK, so I'm trying to peek out a little bit.
This is just me :
In my younger years CDing, the fog was always there, but you bring up a good point. Was it the fog thick back then ? Yes and no. I loved CDing back then, but it was never at the fore front. Back then I can always CD pretty much whenever I wanted, as both my parents worked so I had the whole house to myself. As I reflect, the biggest thing is stress. Back then, living with my parents, the only stress I had was (university) school.
I had good friends in University, and working/studying together helped take the edge off school stress.
Now that I am no longer a student but a working stiff, plus making my own money, I do feel the fog is much thicker. Back then, I didn't have much money so I had to save and scrimp. Now that I am working, work stress has increased significantly which in turn leads me to think about transforming into Wendy more and more to take the work stress edge off. Add onto that, making my own money (of course survival bills have to be attended first) I can afford to buy more stuff for Wendy.
I think the longer you work and age goes hand in hand.
Back then my parents couldn't afford internet, so the only internet I had was at school. There was no privacy in the labs so I couldn't go searching for CDing support sites, but now there are sites like CDH, where like minded folks can talk and support one another in their journey. I think that helps the fog get thicker too, because some girls here will come up with good ideas and I then investigate, and makes me want to try it out.
I have been pondering this question often these days. Right now I am enjoying my thick pink fog that seems to have permeated my thoughts these days.
Unlike in the past when I had been feeling so guilty about not exactly being the man that everyone thought I was I am now rid of the guilt and accept me as I am. Much water under the dam and I am content with how I have evolved and where I am. Will most likely not go much past dressing in private and meeting other local cd's for friendship and company. I am good with that.
Still reading through everybody's comments. Lots of good reading actually and will definitely make time for it.
I was surprised by how much older this community seems. I'm 38, so not old (my hair is turning grey, but whatever), but all the ladies here seem my age or older. I don't know, but a majority seem closer to retirement age. Haven't knowingly met anyone still in college.
For me, a combination of things happened for the pink fog to fully wrap me up. I have a deep enough savings that I can safely splurge on clothing and cosmetics without feeling bad. I've reached a point in life where I feel like I need to stop dreaming and start doing before things are too late. Most importantly, I'm in a healthy relationship where I feel safe about coming out and sharing my feminine side.
I've been a published author since 2012 and working on the craft of fiction writing since way before then, and have between 70 to 80 publications. (I lost count.) Part of the difficulty in learning the craft of fiction is figuring out how to balance your survival instincts with your creativity. The creative voice is a two-year-old who just wants to run naked in the street and play. The survival instincts are the parental voice that wants to keep you safe.
Often the survival instincts tell you things like "nobody will read this" and "you're wasting your time" and "you're not as good as (insert fav author)." The challenge is to give the instincts something else to worry about so the creative voice has room to play. It can take a long time to learn how to do this. This is why most professional authors are middle aged or older.
I wonder if something similar goes on with us ladies. Our instincts try to keep us safe from harm, and rightfully so. We're all learning an art that society frowns upon. Maybe it just takes a certain stage of life for most of us to be comfortable with our art.
Thanks for all the nice wishes for my birthday girls,
Here's a great big virtual hugg from me to all the girls xxxxx
Hugs Roz xxxxx
Gosh I'd better stock up on tea and biscuits to dunk just in case sweetie xx
Grace, this is a question that I've often pondered myself. I think, as others have said, that it's a combination of things-- lower testosterone, a more accepting society, more discretionary income, kids leaving the nest, not worrying so much about how others view us, and a desire to pursue happiness (as our forefathers urged us).
To get off-track for a second, I had asthma when I was young &, sometimes, wonder if the medication might have awakened my femme side.
Unfortunately, when I was younger-- before I met my wife & started a family-- I didn't have the cash for it, but if the world had been as accepting as it is now, I think I probably would have transitioned, then.
Hi laura ide love to peak out a bit too the desire is huge i wear fem clothes under drab as much as i can and fully dress as soon as eveeyone leaves the house be brave girl x
Hi Grace,
Since we can't experiment on people, everything is necessarily theory; mine is that when we are young, the conflict between our female-wired brains and our testosterone-filled veins keeps the Pink Fog at bay - mostly. Added to that, we were young during a time when there were only three groupings of people: male, female and qu**r. And if you were tagged in the latter, you were mentally ill and doing something unlawful; that had to have a strong negative influence on behavior. Now, mainstream society may vaguely disapprove of us, but those negative factors have vanished; and the change in hormone balance is an open invitation for the Pink Fog to appear. AND the older we get, the less we care about the opinions of others.