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I've been a casual CD for a few years but never searched out information and a community like CDH until just recently. It's really opened my eyes to a lot of new information and ideas. One of them has been the term/phrase "Pink Fog". Is this:
- the obsession that comes over you when you start thinking about / planning your next CD experience?
- the euphoria/joy/contentment that comes over you when en femme or thinking about your en femme experiences?
- something else
I've definitely experienced 1 & 2. I certainly want to manage #1 but the desire to experience #2 leads to #1. LOL
xoxox Emma
I would say...”yep”. Just let the fever take its course. It will subside, then come back and peak again. Look up quotidian fevers.
wait until you get depressed ( well, sort of) when the fever eases each day!
The pink fog is so many things, and it is different for each of us. For me it is an indescribable feeling of completeness when I’m shopping for feminine clothing online, or taking my sweet time becoming Charmagne, or just basking in the magic of lace, nylon and silk.
Hi Emma , the pink fog , I most certainly can't fight it or surpress it , so I run with it , fortunately my wife is totally aware of my pink fog & understands 😉 Tiff
Hi Emma , the pink fog , I most certainly can't fight it or surpress it , so I run with it , fortunately my wife is totally aware of my pink fog & understands 😉 Tiff
So true & beautiful 😊🌹
To me the Pink Fog is that ever present force or desire to express my feminine side. It clouds my mind and constantly distracts me. I thought I could control it when I started dressing. Was I wrong, it controls me.
For me, Emma, it's #1. When I have my girl stuff on I feel a sense on being complete. I'm still trying to figure it out and being to express not just to you and others, but to myself. I had a glorious femme experience a week ago.
I LOVE wearing a bra, I'm a 40B, and I always wear a bra with a front closure. I orders a pair of inserts and when I put them in the bra....
Emma, it was the most amazing and special feeling I've ever experienced.
Talk about a pink moment. It was more a PINK MOMENT! Wow! Just wow!
Hi Emma,
I think the fog is the overwhelming obsession and joy you get from all things feminine.
Mine involves the cloths,dressing up, make up, acting feminine, just all of it.
Its a little different with all of us I suppose.
I feel sorry for all the males in this world that are missing out on the wonderful sexy beautiful feeling the pink fog bestows when you put your male B/S aside and embrace it.
What do you gurls think?
Hmm...perhaps it should be “Pink Clarity”?
Once you get into the Pink Fog it's nearly impossible to get out , you might be able to put it on hold for a while but not for ever . For those like myself that try to get out are only being teased , but someone gotta do it 😊
Me too, Robin; the fog controls my thoughts almost every waking hour, and is even creeping into my dreams, now.
Thanks, Emma, for writing down your definition of “Pink Fog.” I’d never heard of the “Pink Fog” until joining CDH and reading about it in the Forum topics. And honestly, I have always had but the vaguest understanding of the term.
But I certainly identify with #2 -- it is an immutable feature of my CDing nature, and a constant feeling of satisfaction the whole time I’m dressed.
As to #1, I never really “plan” my next CD “experience.” Since I’m closeted, never leave home en femme, live alone with no SO, I “experience” the joy of crossdressing almost every day. No real plan. I just decide what I’m wearing that evening/night/morning on the spur of the moment.
And #3, “something else”, well, I just don’t know what that might be.
So, I’m going to adopt your #2 as my own standard definition of the “Pink Fog.”
I prefer #2 myself. Just driving home in the mornings from work, I work graveyard shift, gives me the warmest feelings. I know that my nightie is laying out on the bed just waiting for me, a fresh pair of panties right beside that, and my fuzzy slippers to wear while I make breakfast. I am out of my uniform with every step towards the bedroom and very quickly, those drab clothes seem to go into hiding. A stop in the bathroom for a little freshening up then on to breakfast and a nice cup of hot tea.
I agree, I was relaxing in my nightie a few days ago and said to my wife that if some of the rightwing hate mongers in the world stopped being so "tough"and enjoyed this feeling they may well be happier in life (but then I do think a lot protest too much, ahem). I felt so relaxed and just calm I think its basically therapy when you feel that good.
As for pink frog, this is the first time ive heard of it but 1 deffo leads to 2 for me, and vise versa, I loving thinking what outfits im going to get next, I have so many pages book marked right now I cant wait!