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Today I had a sort out and gathered together all of my feminine clothing as it had been scattered around in various drawers, cupboards and suitcases. There was more than I thought I had! To find space to hang them I then removed all my male clothes out of my bedroom wardrobe and shoved them into the spare room cupboards. I hung most of my tops, skirts, dresses in the wardrobe in the bedroom and the rest went with various underwear (and miscellaneous body shaping items) in the drawers.
It was then that I though it was rather like a married couple having a row and the husband ending up sleeping in the spare room. My male counterpart now belongs in the spare room of my life. Useful for earning a wage, walking the dog and going to fetch the shopping.
I cried about it for a while. Not sure if it was sadness or happiness at the time. But I know I am in a far better place now then I have been for many years.
I don't know if I'm stopping here or will be continuing on a journey elsewhere, but I do wish you all happiness and joy on your own travels.
*hugs* J.
I love everything about you
what you might consider a weakness or a flaw
we consider uniqueness, real and right for you
we love your style
your wide-open prairie smile
hide not your light under a bushel...
Jane Siberry - Hide Not Your Light
In our bedroom closet you cannot tell my side from my wife's. I have about 20 men's T-shirts hanging in there with all the women's clothing. I have 2 pair of men's underwear left for Dr. visits. I do not have any men's jeans left as I now only wear women's jeans (Levi Too Super Low stretch). Men's shoes stored in front hall closet, women's shoes proudly displayed on shelf in bedroom closet. I guess my closet got taken over by 'her' too!
Thank you Jasmine for the post. I often wonder where my journey will take me as well. Luckily, I can store both sets of clothes in my closet. So it goes my wife's clothes, male attire and then Michelle's. I already mix my panties with my boxers and keep my hosiery with my work socks. And they have gained more ground in the past few months. Of course the closet is getting a little crowded. - hugs, Michelle
My "spare room" is a quite "liveable" storage unit about a half an hour south of my home. By "liveable" I mean power, lighting and (yay) even natural light via a large window!!.The complex even has a small kitchen, conference room and best of all a "washroom". (We still call' em "toilets" down here, oh the shame of it all!!!)
But I digress!
It has a "clothing shop" style clothes rack with all my dresses skirts and tops etc a large storage cupboard for my make up, wigs and breast forms, plus all manner of other "femme bits".
Most of my lingerie is in one of my dresser drawers here at home as I finally got fed up with "hiding it" But then as mentioned elsewhere, my better 'arf and I don't sleep in the same room and she rarely enters mine, let alone go through my "stuff". She knows about Caty but heartily disapproves....
I dont do any "Caty time" in the unit, just use it for storage and most of my Caty time these days involves overnight stays "elsewhere" working for charity.
So I guess another major function is to "keep the peace" at home.
Happy dressing and storage!!
Hi Jasmine!
Well now. That is such a great idea I guess I need to go through all of my male clothing, underwear and socks to remove the unused items and give them over to Goodwill. I might be able to claim back a whole drawer or two from work socks and male underwear so I can have a whole drawer or two for my feminine socks, hosiery, bras, and panties, plus garter belts and garter skirt. I should clear out the top area of the wardrobe/armoire so I can keep my shoes up there and I need some perfume, makeup, wig, etc which can live in this area too. All I need for him to wear are work clothes, a few pair of jean shorts, some male underwear, some male jeans too for inclement weather in male mode. Most of my sweaters are too large since I lost weight.....thank you so much for this post. I now realize all of the man junk I can remove from my closet and armoire to free up space for Danielle’s feminine clothing and accessories ☺️! Love ❤️ and hugs 🤗