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The Trans Gender Gal...

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Prominent Member     SoCal, California, United States of America
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In an attempt to do my "Patriotic Chore," I volunteer to work the polls on election day as much as possible - well actually I get paid as temporary help.  Here in CA, "Election Day" was last Tuesday, March 5th, and ran for 11 days.  

The election board in my area consisted of 6 workers, and I had no advance notice who they were until I arrived to work the polls.  When we all met on the first day, to my surprise one of the workers was a Trans Gal.  When I first saw her I thought she was a crossdresser, but in short order I saw that she was trans.   

I thought that this was going to be an interesting 11 days.  And I was hoping to maybe talk with her if/when we had some quiet time about issues of crossdressing and transitioning.  

We never got the time to "talk," but during the 11 days that me and the other workers spent together, all of us got along wonderfully.  Never was any mention made of her appearance, dress, preference - she was just another gal working the polls.  In fact, she dressed very stylish, better than the other women who were assigned.  I also noticed that voters who came into the center also had no reaction to her appearance, voice or mannerisms.  I thought that was very nice to see the general public so accepting.  

I was pleasantly surprised that all went well, I had suspected that someone, sometime would make an inappropriate comment or judgement call.  That never happened.  

I found the 11 day experience with her refreshing and educational.  I never got the opportunity to talk to her about her "experience," and actually it would not have been appropriate in that setting anyway.  

When we departed on the last day, I wished her and all the others well.  It was very nice to see her accepted and treated as a human being.  




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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Thanks Staci for relaying your experience.  Voting centers get people from all walks of life.  11 uneventful days is pretty convincing proof the world is changing for the better.  I'm happy that you and the trans gal experienced a level of acceptance that was unheard of 20 years ago.


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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1005


That’s really good to hear Staci

A very positive story, thanks so much for sharing that

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Noble Member     Cathedral City, California, United States of America
Posts: 1470


Since last September I have been a docent in the F-117 hanger of the Palm Springs Air Museum. I chose this location and am on duty for 11 hours per week. I likely come in contact with at least 150 visitors per week and interact with 8 to 10 colleagues. For every shift I wear our “uniform” which consists of a white baseball cap and white shirt or polo,  all of which with the museum’s logo. Bottoms are khaki pants, skirts or shorts. Typically I wear knee length, or above, skirts or skorts. The rest of the outfit consists of full makeup with earrings, necklace and wrist cuffs.

I get misgendered about 25% of the time. In all honesty, I’ve never put any time into working on my voice, so that would have to account for part of that 25%.

To this point, I have not noticed any particular hostility directed towards me. This goes for visitors as well as my colleagues in our hangar, other volunteers and museum staff. When I first joined, I had to agree to a background check that we are all subject to because we host tour groups for school students. As I was working through the information, I mentioned to the volunteer coordinator that although I go by DeeAnn, legally I am Donald; no double take or any other sort of reaction on her part. On my way home, I thought about this and it reinforced the notion that I was in a good place.

Being in Palm Springs, a number of our visitors are gay and lesbian couples. I make no attempts at sorting out who’s who, but often it can be relatively easy to make guesses by how people interact with each other. There have been a few visitors that I suspected were crossdressers or trans people, but I didn’t invest any effort into trying to be more observant. Our goal is to create a good experience for our visitors. Anything less would be counterproductive.

When I think about my experiences, I’m often reminded of the fear that crossdressers and trans people often have around being in public. For MANY that can be a very difficult proposition. But, in many, many cases the reality is much better than what we fear. However, we must always be aware that shit happens and we need to continue to remind ourselves that awareness of our situations will always be very important. There is a good balance to be struck.

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Prominent Member     SoCal, California, United States of America
Posts: 370

@flatlander48 Miss DeeAnn...  Thanks for responding to my post about working with a CD / trans gal.  A few months ago I saw in your profile mention that you were a volunteer at the Palm Springs Air Museum.  Great museum, and I have not been there in a while.  I live about 90 minutes west in the "OC," and plan someday to visit the museum as Staci.  Hopefully this spring before it gets to warm in the desert.  So, if you see a gal in a dress who does not pass well (me) wandering the museum say hello, I would not mind, and it would be fun to meet you.    

In the meantime, have fun and thanks for your comments.  It is so nice when we can get out without any "issues."  

Thanks.....   Staci....

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Noble Member     Cathedral City, California, United States of America
Posts: 1470

@sf I’m in the F-117 hangar on Friday’s 10 to 2 and Sundays 10 to 5. If your visit will be on a Friday afternoon, let me know. I will stay over after 2pm and we can do a personal tour.

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Joined: 1 year ago

Being in plain site with no undue attention is wonderful. Thank you for witnessing and reporting back to us such an uneventful election.  I hope no j**ks were elected!

Posts: 186
Reputable Member     Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America
Joined: 1 year ago

So nice to hear your story Staci.  Thanks for taking the time to write about it.


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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

Shame you had no time to chat but it was good you obviously kept an envious eye on her and everything went well. You never mentioned if you felt the desire to go along dressed. No matter though it is lovely to read such refreshing experiences.

Here in the U.K. I have dressed to vote and no one batted an eyelid as I went through the process. In the last year the law changed and you had to provide I.D. which meant drivers licence or passport which is my male name. Fate gave me hand to overcome that as that year senior citizenship had come along and a bus pass with my initials and surname, no title, with a picture of me as female and is acceptable as I.D !


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