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Hello ladies. Please forgive my self-indulgence. So the process has started. My magnificent full beard is no more. Rather comically my shaver lasted long enough to remove my moustache then ran out of charge. Luckily I had nowhere to be so was able to wait for recharging. My facial skin seems to have survived pretty well but any skin care tips will be greatly appreciated. I wonder when the missus will put two and two together and notice I only remove the beard just before she goes away. She's not keen on it anyway so I think she's happy.
In less good news the dresses I choose keep becoming unavailable in my size. I'm currently looking at two I love but they're only available a size down. I'm gonna risk it but also get a safe third (safe size wise and also a more everyday look than the other two). And the 4" pink heels I'd set my heart on aren't available anymore so I'll need to start searching again. We'll get there, no doubt with some compromises. It's getting exciting though!
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
OMG you must be so excited Chrissie! I remember those days well....when my GF would leave on a trip and I'd have a few days to myself. One of those trips set the stage for my first makeover. And as they say, the rest is history.
If you'll forgive the obvious, have you considered Amazon? They have a huge selection and can usually deliver next day.
For your face I'd recommend a gentle moisturizer. There are plenty of good ones. Neutrogena, Olay, Aveeno and L'Oreal come to mind.
Have fun!
I’m sure you are going to be rocking your transformation for the period of time you’ll have. Enjoy yourself!
Dear Chrissie,
You have a cheering section greater than Lionel Messi. We are all rooting for you. I am confident you will milk each and every moment to the fullest. You present a powerful message to some of us girls who may live alone and yet not fully realize, utilize, and appreciate the TIME afforded. Waste not want not. Next time I stand in front of the mirror, or hesitate on whether to step out of my COMFORT ZONE, I'm gonna think of you. What would Chrissie say if she was standing here? What would Chrissie do?
God Bless You, Chrissie. I guess I'm a little late, being the 10th of May, but MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU.
Stay Well, Keep on Guard, Continue to Enjoy what you love doing.
Sincerely and With Love,
Chrissie, while I've been offline on holiday this last week, the facet of my CDH life that I've most thought about has been your impending femme time, and I'm so looking forward to reading all about it. As one prone to sharing a lot of my femme life on here I certainly don't think you've 'harped on' too much about the wonderful opportunity that's now arrived for you 🙂 It's been such a long time coming and it's such a difference from your normal home/family life, I don't think that significance could be over-stated. Not that it's a race, but I bet I'm not the only one who'll be playing catch-up for the number of continuous days spent en femme!