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The transformation has begun!

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Hello ladies. Please forgive my self-indulgence. So the process has started. My magnificent full beard is no more. Rather comically my shaver lasted long enough to remove my moustache then ran out of charge. Luckily I had nowhere to be so was able to wait for recharging. My facial skin seems to have survived pretty well but any skin care tips will be greatly appreciated. I wonder when the missus will put two and two together and notice I only remove the beard just before she goes away. She's not keen on it anyway so I think she's happy.

In less good news the dresses I choose keep becoming unavailable in my size. I'm currently looking at two I love but they're only available a size down. I'm gonna risk it but also get a safe third (safe size wise and also a more everyday look than the other two). And the 4" pink heels I'd set my heart on aren't available anymore so I'll need to start searching again. We'll get there, no doubt with some compromises. It's getting exciting though!

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

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(@Anonymous 96228)
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@chrisfp99 so fun!! Enjoy your Chrissie time!

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thanks Serena, I intend to! xx
(@Anonymous 96228)
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@chrisfp99 I can remember in my “secret” days, if I knew I was going to be away somewhere overnight, I would spend weeks collecting items and clothes etc for my “special night.”  All those nights were so much fun and my only regret is that they always ended with all the stuff I bought in the hotel dumpster. 😡 No more of that for Serena!  In fact now I’m under orders NOT to throw anything out!  I hope your time is SO special!! 💋

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thanks Serena. Yes unfortunately everything will be purged after 10 days. What a 10 days though, and there's no guarantee another opportunity will present itself. I'm so pleased you are in a better place now xx.

(@Anonymous 96228)
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@chrisfp99 well then I say dress the hell out of yourself while you can hun!!


Baroness Annual
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Reputable Member     Fairfax , Virginia, United States of America
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@chrisfp99 Is donating to an out of town charity shop feasible?

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Connie, you've touched a bit of a nerve. This is clearly the right thing to do but I'm not sure I have the nerve to turn up in person xx.

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Estimable Member     Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
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@chrisfp99 you could just ‘come out’ I think you would be amazed just how often our fears of rejection are unfounded.

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@chrisfp99 Don't you just hate it when that happens. I keep my hair short with clippers & once they ran out of charge half way through. I had to wear a hat for the rest of the day 🤣  I find a simple vitamin E cream from superdrug works wonders after shaving. Hope you find some new shoes soon.

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thanks Sasha xx.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @chrisfp99

Re: beard

She's not keen on it anyway so I think she's happy.

All the more reason to keep your face clean. 🙈


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It's getting closer Chrissie!

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The people demand regular updates! 

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@jacquelinelarkspur @chrisfp99 

I'm a people, and I endorse this message.

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Jacqueline, I promise to keep you updated with the highs and no doubt lows of the next couple of weeks xx.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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[Jacqueline cancels all her appointments for the next two weeks and readies her supplies of pinot grigio, custard creams and cheese'n'onion crisps]

(@Anonymous 96228)
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@chrisfp99 Oh WOW.  Lucky you.

I tend to hybernate during the summer lighter night days.

We are going to need updates and dare say a picture?

Enjoy your free time as Chrissie

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Elaine, this really doesn't happen very often at all so yes there will be updates. Also a pic or two, certainly of my makeover, and possibly my fumbling efforts at home, depending on whether they're in any way fit for publication 😂 xx.

(@Anonymous 96228)
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@chrisfp99 All a part of the joy.  Your going to be fab hun.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@chrisfp99 I exfoliate and moisturise after I shave my beard. Generally shaver, then close shave with a blade.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Woohoo! Let the good times roll 👗❤️

Self-indulgence is to be celebrated, not forgiven 🙄, I'll add my best wishes and hopes for a FANTASTIC TIME! Better make sure you get plenty food and drink in, you wouldn't want to have to go to a late night shop.....

Smile Face

Allie x

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thank you Allie hun. Yes I must make sure food doesn't take too much of a backward step. You're right, you won't find me wandering the mall in my finery (don't really know what the UK equivalent is. Plain old Shopping Centre I guess)! xx.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@chrisfp99 I did have to make a supermarket trip. Wig off, hoodie and jeans on over dress (still fully made up and with breast forms still on). Nobody noticed.

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Noble Member     Cathedral City, California, United States of America
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@chrisfp99 Having Spandex or Lycra in the material composition will help a bit…

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OMG you must be so excited Chrissie!  I remember those days well....when my GF would leave on a trip and I'd have a few days to myself.  One of those trips set the stage for my first makeover.  And as they say, the rest is history. 

If you'll forgive the obvious, have you considered Amazon?  They have a huge selection and can usually deliver next day.

For your face I'd recommend a gentle moisturizer.  There are plenty of good ones.  Neutrogena, Olay, Aveeno and L'Oreal come to mind. 

Have fun!


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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thanks Emily. Yes the excitement is building rapidly! I'm using Amazon for most of my girly things (underwear, wigs, shoes, makeup, jewellery, ooh and forms, nails and lashes for the first time! My basket currently stands at 36 items) but I'm just a bit worried about getting dresses from them. We'll see. Moisturiser makes a lot of sense. I'll ask my wife what she's got, whilst omitting the real reason behind the request 😂. 

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

Baroness Annual
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Reputable Member     Kingsport, Tennessee, United States of America
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@chrisfp99 I have found Macy a great place to shop online name brands and selection of sizes, I put things in my cart and wait until they are on sale. With free returns I will by several name brand dresses and shoes, up to 13W.


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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thank you Lynda. Is Macy available in the UK? xx

Baroness Annual
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@chrisfp99 Not sure, but my best hosiery find is Thetightspot.

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For your face I'd recommend a gentle moisturizer.  There are plenty of good ones.  Neutrogena, Olay, Aveeno and L'Oreal come to mind. 

*Listens to incoming message from the CDH legal team* Um ... I've just been told to point out that other brands are available 🙂

I use Nivea and Bulldog ... both in the 'sensitive skin' range. Moisturisers with Aloe Vera can be effective if you're at all prone to skin irritation.

Ellie x


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Yes!  Forgot about Nivea.  A very good brand.  Not familiar with Bulldog.  Sounds like something made for guys.  And yes, Ellie is right about aloe.  Very soothing on irritated skin. 


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Bulldog IS marketed for guys, but it's fragrance free, it has exactly the same ingredients as moisturising creams made for women ... and it doesn't make my skin flare up 🙂

What's not to like?

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Is it cheaper than the stuff marketed to women?  Gender markup IS a thing with some products.


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(@Anonymous 96228)
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Joined: 10 months ago

I’m sure you are going to be rocking your transformation for the period of time you’ll have. Enjoy yourself!


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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thanks Tamiya hun xx.

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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Dear Chrissie,

You have a cheering section greater than Lionel Messi. We are all rooting for you. I am confident you will milk each and every moment to the fullest. You present a powerful message to some of us girls who may live alone and yet not fully realize, utilize, and appreciate the TIME afforded. Waste not want not. Next time I stand in front of the mirror, or hesitate on whether to step out of my COMFORT ZONE, I'm gonna think of you. What would Chrissie say if she was standing here?  What would Chrissie do?

God Bless You, Chrissie. I guess I'm a little late,  being the 10th of May, but MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU.

Stay Well, Keep on Guard, Continue to Enjoy what you love doing.

Sincerely and With Love,







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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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This is such a sweet message Thea, thank you lovely. I've sort of made a rod for my own back by harping on so much about my upcoming femme time, and I'm feeling a bit of pressure. I assure you I will make the most of it. I'll post some pics of my makeover and maybe some at home, perhaps at a distance and in the dark 😂. I'm pretty much a novice at this and one thing is clear, which is that I have a cat's chance in hell of achieving the wonderful classy feminine presentation you've shown us in your pics. Once again thank you hun.

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

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I wish I had the guts and the $$$$ to simply call and make the appointment for a makeover. I can't imagine the feeling of sitting in a chair and being 'fussed over'. Ya know, if I did I'd hire someone to make a video of the event-simply to witness the transformation. Make up artists are professionals. I remain in wonderment if what we/I see in the mirror, see in certain light, see in photos, is what we'd/I'd see if I was the hostess at a restaurant, the bar keep at a pub, or a fellow customer sitting in a booth across. "What do they really see?"

Chrissie, you have totally fluffed up my pillow with praise. You said you are 'pretty much a novice at this." Sounds as if the opportunity to practice is limited. I am entering my 5 th year of twice a month 'transformations'. Keep practicing. Even if you simply perform 'tight lining' and applying mascara. The eyes are the key. False lashes are like THE MAGIC WAND. 

Can't wait to celebrate with you. I know you'll keep us all posted. YOU GO GIRL!

Love and Hugs,




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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thea, you've probably seen my story. I hadn't dressed for 35 years until last June. I wouldn't say it's blighted my life but the femme thoughts were always there. When my wife announced she was taking our daughters abroad for 8 days (I don't fly), my mind started running overtime. I am fortunate to be retired and comfortable and put together a girly shopping list, outfits and all the accessories. Had a fun time although my makeup really is rubbish 😂.

The makeover was incredible. It's not cheap and I was really nervous but Cindy soon put my mind at ease. As you say, they are professionals. I'm going again on the 24th. I won't be nervous this time and I have some better ideas of what I'm looking for.

Thanks for the advice about the eyes. I'll be trying false lashes (and nails) but I read they're a bit of a challenge. My main problem is a basic foundation to hide the cracks and crevices of advancing years. Whatever, it'll be great fun trying.

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1841

@chrisfp99 Don't put yourself under pressure in any way. This is your treat for you....and remember experimenting with make up is fun!

Start with the eyes, then cover the beard and everything else will drop into shape. Have fun especially with concealers before you get to foundation

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thanks Anna, I'll do my best! xx.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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Chrissie, while I've been offline on holiday this last week, the facet of my CDH life that I've most thought about has been your impending femme time, and I'm so looking forward to reading all about it.  As one prone to sharing a lot of my femme life on here I certainly don't think you've 'harped on' too much about the wonderful opportunity that's now arrived for you 🙂 It's been such a long time coming and it's such a difference from your normal home/family life, I don't think that significance could be over-stated.  Not that it's a race, but I bet I'm not the only one who'll be playing catch-up for the number of continuous days spent en femme!  


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