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The varying influences on how we approach our crossdressing

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Do not speak with any expertise but I have been wondering about the background factors behind the extent and way in which we take our crossdressing.

So many on this site talk about their early experiences with either ther mother's or sister's clothes as being something that may have initiated the parameters surrounding their crossdressing. I can not claim to have had any such early experiences but do woder whether the nature ofa mother and / or long term SO can have some influence on how we approach our crossdressing.

I say this as neither my mother nor long time SO have been into extensive use of make up and I wonder whether this sub-conciously is influencing my lack of interest in using make up to enhance dressing up and similarly because neither my mother nor long time SO were large in the bust Department ( my SO is a UK 40A) I have not felt he need to look in the direction of brast forms.

Eventhough I have not come out to my wife about my crossdressing and no plan to do sonthere is a bit of me that would nevertheless feel uncomfortable in my mind in using makeup more extensively than my wife does or trying to have a bust that could be seen as trying to be bigger than hers.

This probably sounds rather strange  as I do not worry about wearing panties that are prettier than most of my wife's or wearing dresses that cone above the knee which is something my wife has not worn for a number of years.

Cant say I can make any proper sense of this and just floating it for any more sophisticated thoughts.



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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi Rachel. I think most of us have pondered on this question including myself. to be honest, I cannot come up with any reasons why I am like this or why I feel like this but it has been going on for so long, it has become a way of life and is normal to me. I can only assume that I was 'born this way' and when I was conceived, there must have been female genes in me as well as male.

I have got to the stage now where I no longer question it as all I know it just feels 'right' and its something I need to do.

i'm quite sure for some people, upbringing might play a part, but I feel there are also a plethora of other reasons too.

love fiona xx

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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I too cannot explain what impulse lead me to try on my first piece of womens clothing.  All I can was was that the feeling was absolutely wonderful.

I was (at an early age) interested in womens fashion.  Honestly, my friends were reading sports illustrated and I was reading Cosmo, and other mags like it!  Still love them to this day!

It just happened, and as I grew older and began to understand this a bit more, the more I was okay with it.

It's like trying a new food for the first time.  You may go back for seconds, or you may not!


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Hey all, I don’t think I have female genes, just fetish ones! I had a thing about my sis in law to be: loved how she looked: cute petite blonde, loved as a teenager trying to see up her dress. Discovered her clothes in a suitcase, had to replicate, the rest is history once I’d tried on her skirt and panties...

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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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My mom rarely wore skirts/dresses and my wife even less and never pantyhose.  Yet I want to wear them everyday.  Am I compensating for that?  I don't think so.  But I could see my wife thinking like that and getting upset if I am dressed "better or more girly" than her.

I never tried on makeup until I realized I could not leave the hotel room without it.  Now it is nice to wear light makeup but to go out I need more effort.

I find myself looking more and more at GG clothing and makeup as I go out more and more and want to pass as naturally as possible.  I find myself wanting more and more clothing as well.  Currently looking for running tights & leggings and short dresses/tunics to go over them.  I also regularly look at you girls pics for inspiration as well.

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
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I really can't say what started it, I never had the urge when I was younger. It has only happened within the last couple years, and oh boy (lol) once it did, i felt so at peace and never went back,  something had obviously been missing. My style is not really representative of my mother, sisters, ex or current SO. I do know I'm happier with whom I've become.

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Eminent Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

For me it was trying on my mother’s clothes at the age of 10. I loved the feel and the way it made me feel inside. From that point on I would dress every  opportunity I was alone.

As an adult it just feels right. When I put my first dress on as an adult it was like greeting an old  familiar friend and I knew what was missing from my life. As for makeup I would wear it everyday if I could:) 💐


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