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Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman, as Tammy (what a lovely name btw) once said, perhaps in a quite different context.
But are you Johnny Cash or Tammy Wynette (I’m assuming Kate Bush is well off the realistic spectrum)
And does this voice change when you are out or not out with others. Do you sigh with relief when you take the bra off at the end of the day (as many GGs often share) and you can in comfort drop down a half octave or more?
in my ignorance, I would guess that this is an increasing challenge if you are moving selectively towards trans (apologies if this is the not the best term).
I used to try to change my voice, and still do on occasions, but it's never going to be a female voice, it's never going to fool anyone, so I've largely given up trying. Close-up, people will see I'm not who I am pretending to be, voice or not, so I have to let them either accept me the way I am dressed, or let them go on their way muttering about what the world has come to.
I've been going through the online voice changing videos on you tube...its an interesting process..at first is seems hard, but after a while it gets easier. Unlike trying to walk i high heels. I still can't get the hang of that.