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Hi Lauren,Its Michelle.You certainly have an interesting path ahead of you.Lauren,I am not a professional person,I have been in customer service all my life.First as a dealership mechanic,{Michelle just dated herself.Mechanics are now auto technicians and rightly so},Then doing private security at different sites in Phoenix AZ.And then being a Court Security Officer For Maricopa County for 17 years.Lauren,you are a woman,you are comfortable as a women,you are employed as a women ,so be the woman you are and be the best you can be.{Sounds like an ARMY commercial }.Never stop,dont doubt yourself,and as we said in the AIRBORNE "Drive On."Stay tough,my friend.You may have just been given a gift,that is to educate others who want to learn and are receptive to what you may and will teach them. Hugs Michelle Brown.
Thank you Sister for such an eloquent explanation of what we are and the current realities of being an intersex person. As you know from our talks before that we are both quite similar (I'm a DES Feminized Male with PAIS and I'm about 45%F and 55%M). I'm always so glad to hear about your progress with the book. It gives voice to all of us intersex folks everywhere. I'm continuing to speak out too with local and national presentations, the next one being at Atlanta Comfort Conference with another smaller one on Egale Canada. I'm so glad that you share with all of us. I wish that I had access to your book many years ago when I first learned about my condition. You are so right about the continued attack on us by various groups who seem to be looking for folks to use as a punching bag. Never be silenced. Hugs, Marg
Hi Marg, I too am a DES baby, from back in 1947. I'm sure my crossdressing is driven by my fem feelings while growing up. I would like a deep dive into my genetic makeup. Finding a way to get it done without spilling the beans to my longtime medical provider is the problem. He has been my family primary care Dr for the whole family - my bride and two, now adult daughters.
At age 1 1/2 I had a tumor on my right testicle and it was removed. Mom had been on DES the whole time she was pregnant with me, following two spontaneous miscarries. I first wore my sisters' Sunday school dress at age 5 and was caught by the baby-sitter who, of course, snitched me off to my folks. I have taken every chance I had chance since then to dress up and fell like the real me, including my 9 years in the Navy and 30 years as a cop in a large SoCal city
My Mom once commented that our two female kids did not surprise her. She said "the right testicle must have been the female testicle!" Had to forgive her - she was an Iowa farm girl till she married my dad.
Anyway, thanks for giving us a chance to read your life story.
Take care my DES sister,
Hi Kathy, Thanks for sharing that. DES was very popular during that time. It's sort of a forever legacy. It took me forever to get it all figured out. Glad that you have been able to make some sense of it. Hugs, Marg
Thank you Lauren. Always enjoy reading your material!
I was born a DES baby. I believe that caused me to be sensitive, nurturing and feminine but it also caused a lot shame which I am dealing with today. I feel at home with being dressed as a woman.