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Theatre Trip Today

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Well I (Becca) and my (her) wife went to the theatre today to see Everybody's Talking About Jamie, a wonderful musical based around the true story of Jamie Campbell who wanted to go to school in a dress and become a drag queen; excellent singing and acting and dancing.

We went in the afternoon so I was probably a little over-dressed for the occasion and in truth, I did expect to see other cross-dressers there, but unless they were so able to pass that I couldn't tell the difference, I may well have been the only one there -- not that I cared. I think I was clocked by the 'ticket inspector' at our door and one other person but, as usual, no one cared enough to say anything or do anything other than have a second look.

We went out at the interval just to stretch our legs and on our return to the auditorium realised that the interval was shorter than usual for some reason and it seems we were the only people not to know. The show hadn't restarted yet and all the house lights were still on and because of our slight tardiness, almost everyone was seated, so it was with great delight but some trepidation that we re-entered the auditorium in full view of the entire audience of about 2000 people. I kept my head up, my steps short and my confidence high. I wasn't bothered, mostly because of the nature of the play we had come to see which was about a cross-dresser (ok, drag artist, but heigh ho) so I don't expect people were at all surprised that they could actually see a real-life one; I loved it.

If you like theatre and want to see a musical, I thoroughly recommend Everybody's Talking About Jamie. I might also recommend Aladdin the Musical which we saw a few weeks ago as both the show in general and the scenery in particular are stunning.

Next week we are off to an out-of-town shopping mall. It's very busy, living two distinct lives 🙂


Love Becca



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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1458

@rebeccabaxter Oh Becca you have guts girl - with the lights on in front of the whole auditorium 😱  I bet that was a show-stopping experience!  Just the thought gives me the most amazing feelings, a mixture of big nerves and absolute validation.  Wow, what a trip out for you!

* warm and respectful hugs * 

Fiona xxx

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Awesome, Becca! I, too, am surprised you didn't see any other crossdressers there. Maybe the evening performances would attract more.

Be that as it may, you clearly had a fabulous time... and were the star of the show to boot! I'm proud of you, girl!

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1005


That sounds like a fab trip Becca.

Entering the auditorium in full view must have been terrifying and exhilarating in equal measure.

The photo you posted of the trip has you looking very at ease


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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I saw the documentary that perhaps inspired the play, Jamie - Drag queen at 16 which was a very good watch as he developed her persona. It's still available here in the U.K. and on You Tube.  I can only imagine the musical was an extravaganza and you obviously had a great night out.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1325


I just watched the Youtube video and find that the play was pretty much true-to-life regarding Jamie's story even to the point where he wasn't going to be let in to the prom night until all his friends from school said they wouldn't go in either if he wasn't allowed. In real life, I'm not sure he makes a very stereotypical drag queen (big, brash, obviously male) but he really does make an excellent woman, I wish I could get away with looking as feminine as he does in the documentary.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Posts: 3437

@rebeccabaxter Oh yes I remember - the school prom night,that was a great reaction from the other pupils. he did seem a bit coy of the stage but looked great otherwise. Oh how I wish things were different back in the day!

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Becca -

What a wonderful experience for you. It is great that you proudly owned it when you went back in the theatre.


Posts: 55
Trusted Member     isle of wight, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Becca

like others well done, only wish i had the opportunity and the chance to do the same cause as you say whether your recognised or not people generally don't give you a second glance, and as other have said the feeling must have so good and satisfying just sitting there WOW 


Posts: 485
Prominent Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Love it! Haven't been to the theater per se, but I've been to some live performances en femme with my wife. I live in a very liberal city so I rarely even get the odd look. I really want to take in the Ballet/Symphony/Opera as soon as I find the right dress!

Your story is so great! And I love that your SO is so supportive that your "on stage" moment didn't rattle either one of you very much.


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