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My sisters.....hurricane Florence looks to be very bad. I beg you all...leave the area now. I fear for your safety and health in this time. Do not worry about possessions....they can be replaced......your life not!
I pray that you and yours will be OK. You all are in my thoughts and wishes.
Dame Veronica
Ditto, get out of there!!
Add to urgency. Experience with Harvey in Texas. Not one you want. Please take warnings seriously.
What I learned last year during Hurricane Irma ...
When they tell you to get out, get out.
Wishing the best for everyone in Florence's path ...
A hurricane is a storm you don't take likely. I live in New Jersey and when Sandy hit us it cause a lot of damage. I knew people who were without power for over a week. Fortunately I live inland and a place that doesn't flood. But because of all the damage and flooding around me, I was trapped in my home for three days.
Hi Bobbi......who is Jim Cantore?
Personally I have never taken hurricanes or any other acts of nature lightly. I am in NC about 2 hours away from the coast. I grew up in Charleston (SC), even though we have threats of hurricanes every year. I hope everyone in effected areas are safe. I will check in periodically. Be safe all.
Thanks for the info Bobbi. I hope they pay him well.