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To My Beautiful Siblings in the USA

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Estimable Member     Henderson, Waitakere City., Auckland, New Zealand
Joined: 4 years ago

From across the ocean, in a land where the waves greet the shores with peace, I write to you, my crossdresser, transgender and gender-diverse siblings, with love, hope, and the deepest prayers for your safety and happiness. Here in Aotearoa, New Zealand, we are far away in miles, but never in spirit. You are seen. You are cherished. You are never alone.

I know that right now, the weight of the world may feel unbearable. The air around you may feel heavy with voices that try to drown out your truth, laws that seek to erase you, and fears that should never have a place in a life meant for joy. But I need you to hear this, to hold onto it tightly. No law, no hatred, no attempt to diminish you can ever change the truth of who you are. You are real. You are worthy. You are a light in this world that no darkness can extinguish.

History has shown that those who shine the brightest often face the harshest storms. But the storm will pass. It always does. And when it does, you will still be standing, stronger, more radiant, and freer than ever before. Because nothing can erase you. Nothing can take away the beauty of your existence.

Here in New Zealand, we do not face the same struggles that you do. We have the privilege of living as our true selves without constant fear. And it breaks my heart that this is not yet true for all of you. But please, let my words be a small beacon of light: there are places in this world where you are embraced without hesitation, where safety is not a privilege but a given, where your identity is not debated but celebrated. And though the road ahead may seem long, I believe with all my heart that your country, too, will one day know this peace.

Until that day, know this, there are people fighting for you, standing with you, loving you, even from across the world. Your existence is a miracle. Your happiness is not too much to ask for. Your safety is a right, not a privilege. And no matter what anyone says, you belong here.

So please, take care of yourselves. Hold each other close. Find joy in the trivial things, in the laughter of friends, in the quiet moments of self-love, in the dreams of a future where you are free. That future is coming. And until then, I and so many others will be holding you in our hearts, sending love across the sea, praying for your protection, and standing beside you in spirit.

With all my love,

Catherine Anne Vos (She, Her)

Your sister in New Zealand 💜🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 666

@catanne What a truly beautiful post Cathy. From the heart.

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Prominent Member     Mesa, Arizona, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Thanks for your kind words and thoughts Miss Cathy.I am a crossdresser,living in Arizona who regularly dresses as I feel.Jeans and tops ,dresses and heels and so far ,no trouble.Ihave found people are so busy with their lives,they dont notice me.If they do,I will try to engage them in pleasent conversation so we both have a great day.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Cathy -

What beautiful sentiments and encouragement for those of us in the US. Thank you for taking the time to share this. Reminds me of the song "You'll Never Walk Alone". It's nice to feel loved and accepted from across the pond.


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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

A lovely piece Catherine.

It's not what the those who make noises and influence think or do it's what those around you do, the people you know, the people you meet , ordinary people the real people. They engage you, accept you, taking you as you are no rhetoric will matter to them. For those that do avoid them and let them go, carry on and stand tall as the rumblings will pass, life continues.

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Estimable Member     Henderson, Waitakere City., Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 101

@ab123 very true Angela.

Be safe but also, be who you are and be yourself.

Love and hugs, xxx


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Active Member     Montco, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago


Well said and thank you for your kindness and support that you have shared with us. This is a tough time for us and together we can get through any of life's obstacles. 


Kimberly 🩷

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Estimable Member     Henderson, Waitakere City., Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 101

@kimberlykox513 you’re welcome hon. Many may not think so but down under we care and I care for each one of you going through these tiring times. Hugs, xxx

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Baroness Annual
Famed Member     New York, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Thank you for your lovely thoughts Cathy! Much appreciated.

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Estimable Member     Henderson, Waitakere City., Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 101

@d44 You're welcome sweetie.

L & H xxx



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