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that is wonderful!! Like you I believe my wife is accepting and “knows” but I just cannot find the courage to tell her. I desperately want to get this secret out in the open in hopes of living a much more anxiety free life, but am struggling to do so!
Congrats to you Steph on a job well done!
Hugs and Kisses
Candace it's great that you believe your wife to be accepting and that she "knows". You are so close! Just one more hurdle for you, and it sounds promising. Just be open, be honest, and then .... be happy. Hope it comes soon for you hon! 🙂
Better to tell as soon as you can find the words. In my experience even if they are not accepting they will at least tolerate panties.
This is FABULOUS news and I love reading these stories! I am so happy for you and your wife. It is a wonderful feeling having relieved yourself of this burden and guilt. But, it is especially wonderful that your SO is accepting even if it is to a lesser degree than hoped for. It is all good! The stealth activities, purchases and and worry of being discovered are gone!!! Phew. I would caution to still take it easy not overburden her with your new found freedom. Ease into it and have fun!