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Tonights the night

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Estimable Member     Cheshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hey ladies,

ok, so I've been on CDH for a couple of weeks now after having a sort of epiphany about dressing as a woman, long story short, lifes short and I need to wear more women's clothes, its been 7 years!

So, I knew tonight was coming up as my wife who doesn't know I cross dress is out of town with the kids for a few days so I have reinvested in a modest wardrode and plan to get totally dressed as a woman and leave the house for a few walks in a couple of places I used to frequent to build up my confidence and basically try to pass.

I'm not even dressed yet, haven't had time to try on all my outfit or do my make up since I decided to spend time as a girl again, but I am so nervous as hell!

I am doing this. I am certain that when I get dressed and look in the mirror a bit of confidence will return but right now the prospect is daunting.  I know its confidence that helps you pass as a woman, head up, walk confident etc and it'll be fine, but still nerve wracking.

Anyway, might be rambling a bit here, nerves I guess.  Anyone has any words of encouragement or advice would be most appreciated, my god, I cant remember the last time I did my makeup, always found eye shadow difficult, this'll be fun!

Has anyone else been in this position, long time away from dressing then just going straight in at the deep end and going totally en femme and out in public?  What made you return to it?


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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

hi mandy. I can only reply to this with the knowledge I already have, virtually none! I am kinda in the same predicament but at least you have some pluck and courage. I wish you well and hope everything comes up to your expectations. I feel that way when I have not worn female clothes for a few days, its like withdrawl symptoms! go for it girl! let me know how you get on!

fiona xx

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Estimable Member     Cheshire, United Kingdom
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Fiona, I will honey, I'm partially dressed at the moment, heading out to a clothes store as want to see if I can pick up a mini skirt, have my shoes and jacket in a bag so I can try it on with the rest of my outfit in the unisex changing rooms, thought this might be a safe intro to heading out.  Have been thinking of this all, day, have barely been able to concentrate on work its been that bad!


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Trusted Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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Go for it.  You will feel empowered.  I can’t wait to hear all about what you did.



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Estimable Member     Cheshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

I did it! I just picked out a skirt, tried it on, got a couple of sexy photos and paid! Omg momg omg! That felt so so good! I can't wait to get home now a do my makeup!

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Estimable Member     Cheshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Oh, funny story! Zip got stuck on the skirt I was trying on! Took 5 minutes of wriggling with it to get it off! Was seriously thinking I was going to have to walk out en femme! Not quite ready for that yet!!!

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Estimable Member     Cheshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Ok, heading out now, totally en femme, here goes an adventure!

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Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Do it girl! You’ll love it. I can’t say I’ve ever really stepped away from dressing, I’m more active now than I was in the past, partly because I found I’m soooo much more confident as a woman. I feel my body image is so much better and I feel better about myself. I stepped out of the house for the first time last week and spent all afternoon and evening out as myself. Now I feel like day to day I’m just a girl in male drag. You got this hun. You’ll love it


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Go for it get dressed and your soon remember the feeling of being a girly. Hope it all goes well and you join the outted girls here like I did not so long ago and the many more males becoming girly and joining everyday, your not alone. Anne x

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Estimable Member     Cheshire, United Kingdom
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Ok, quick update from me then I think its off to get some sleep.

Tonight has been fantastic.  I started off in a quite area on an estate near where I live, walked along a few roads, passing cars etc nothing too scary.  Felt ok doing it, the cars didn't bother me.

Moved to another area, this place a bit better lit, more people moving around etc, thought yeah, its ok.  I was calm.

Decided to take it into town and walked through a few squares in Manchester, people passing by etc, it was good, got a few photos.

Then decided stuff it, went to the gay area in town (canal street).  Just literally walked up the main street which was amazing, people just passed me by without a second glance, there was just acceptance of who I was and what I was doing there.

I even passed a bar where the door staff were outside talking to a woman, they had plenty of LBGT signs outside so wasn't phased, she just turned to me, gave a real glowing smile and said hi!  I said hi back, smiled and felt wonderful someone had acknowledged me and seemed pleased with what I was doing!

I really, really want to go back to that bar and have a coke or something but think that's going to have to wait till tomorrow.

Evening ladies, catch you tomorrow and enjoy whatever crossdressing experience you are having right now.

Love to all, Mandy x

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I’m very happy for you! Having a good experience in your first time out (or after so many years) is really important.

I’m convinced that if I had have a bad experience in my first time out, chances are that it’d had send me back to the depths of my closet forever!

good for you!


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Estimable Member     Cheshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Thanks for the warm words Gaby, cant wait to do it all over again tonight! Mx

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Good on you for doing it seems that the number of males cross dressing is growing wonder where it will all end. Anne

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Trusted Member     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Awesome, glad it went well. Can't wait to hear about tonight.

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Estimable Member     West Sacramento, California, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

You go girl, I am so proud of you.

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