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I'm sitting here typing/reading away on CDH with the TV on in the background. My attention is drawn to the TV when I hear a commercial for a Citi. What drew my attention was when I heard them say if you are TG or non-binary you can now get a credit card in your preferred name! My ears perked up and I asked myself if I heard that right. Because I have the ability to pause and rewind live TV, I rewound the commercial to watch it through. I even went to record it.
Sure enough, I went to the website they mentioned, where it gives instructions "How to change your first name on your credit card to your preferred name." Wow, how cool is that!
I've thought about getting a credit card in Alison's name, but because they often ask for information such as birthday or Social Security Number, even for secondary cardholders, I have backed off, not wanting to give the same information with two different names, and making it look like there is fraud involved. Now I'm seriously considering it.
I got an AMEX for Emily a couple of years ago. It's linked to my main account. I had to speak to a rep to get it. After answering a few basic questions I told him I'm trans. BAM! He said that's all the info he needed and thanked me for being a customer. I had the card a week later.
It comes in handy. It's the only card I use when I'm out being myself. I've used it in all sorts of places.
It's gotten a lot easier to get a card in the last few years. Companies are realizing that supporting the LGBTQ community is good for business. Some may view that cynically. I see it as a win-win.
Hi Emily. I did something similar with my Discover card. I called the customer service department and told them that I wanted to get a card for my girlfriend and put it under her full name, but I would be responsible for paying for it. They asked me a few questions and it was sent to me at my address. I use it for shopping purposes and identification. It really helps to have a credit card with my feminine name on it
Wow Alison....I have never heard of that before and didn't even realise you could.
Thank you !!!!
Grace xx
Hi Alison,
As Janine says you can add another user to your credit card and the financial institution will issue another card in that user’s name. The primary card holder carries responsibility for paying all charges. And the credit limit remains the same, but you could inquire about an increase.
Enjoy that next shopping trip!
I may look into that at some point, but right now the last thing Bridgette needs is a damn credit card, lol!
Capital one the card use they gave me one with my female name since told them my store and they were happy to do so of course kept male name too but use same credit. As soon as my transition all my cards will be changed to Donna as well as driver license
True, Alice. In fact, when Chase sent my renewed card a few months ago, they also sent one with my wife's name on it, and I didn't even ask. I use it when Bettylou shops.
In the past I have seen them ask for personal information (birthday, SSN) even for secondary cardholders, which made me reluctant to reuse my info.
I have one card with my daughter, and last time they actually sent me two cards with my daughter's name in addition to the one with my male name. So I have been using the second card with my daughter's name (we both share the same first initial, both her, my male name and my female name).
But I've used my male cards as well with no problem. Most of the time they don't look.
Hi Alison I do not trust credit card company's. It is just awful that society has played into their hands. They got what they wanted They want you to make a payment to them monthly for the rest of your life. They want you to give a credit card to your children and even your grandchildren so they can make a payment to them for the rest of their lives They are a bunch of crooks stealing legally and where are all their corporate headquarters? In Delaware USA where their is no Corporate income tax and who has been the recipient of very generous donations from these credit card company's not the poor, not the homeless , not the hungry not any one in need except for those people who need to get re-elected. So they can pass laws that allow these crooks to charge up to 30% interest on remaining balances. Do not get me started. I remember when their was a time when people would put money into a savings account until they had enough money to buy that new washing machine or buy those Christmas gifts that were to be given the next year. Save your money then buy what you want when you have the money or at the very least pay off your credit cards at the end every month. Do not play into their hands. Thank you for getting my heart started this morning.
For me, it's very handy to have a card that matches my feminine presentation and I use it all the time. I'm one who uses my card regularly, pays it off monthly, and collects rewards. Years ago, I joined a local CD group, and it was the other members there who suggested it. Now when I'm out shopping, dining, etc., I just pay with my Robyn card.
Hi Alison,
You’re right that you can have another authorized user for the credit card and there usually isn’t any problems shopping with it. In the situation of getting a new card the issuer will ask several questions about your income, ssn, etc. to determine your limit and authorize your information.
I eventually got a card in Alison's name. The funny this was, they were then trying to get Alison to get her own card. Since "Alison" doesn't have any unique government ID or credit rating (or even bank account to pay for purchases), I just fed the offers to my shredder.
One word of caution to anyone who is CD and not trans is that by getting another card in another name is you risk having credit reported in 2 names with the same birth date and Social Security number. If you are not currently out to your spouse or significant other, these cards under the same social security number will be reported to the 3 major credit bureaus. If you and your spouse apply for joint credit for say a house, they will require an explanation of who the other name belongs to. So, you may unintentionally out yourself, which isn’t something you might have planned for.
Also, be aware that the more credit you apply for in either name will have an effect on your credit score. Just a bit of information to consider when applying for credit. I hope this helps.
That was not only great information, but a very caring gesture! Thank you so much for the insightful knowledge!