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I'm not sure where I got this link - it could well have been CDH, in which case I apologise! Very interesting to see what CDH would have looked like pre-internet.
Hi Connie
I have often wondered, What is the difference between a Transvestite and a Crossdresser.
Both terms are still used, but there doesn't seem to be any physical difference.
I'm sure someone will know the difference and explain it.
This is not meant to upset anyone and if it does then please remove it.
Hugs x
Not sure there is a difference. Transvestite literally translates as cross-dresser. I get the feeling that times have changed, and cross-dresser is more commonly used these days because of possible confusion with trans-sexual or trans-gender?
When I was young, "trannie" was a derogatory term that implied homosexuality as well as drag etc etc.
I'm quite happy to stand corrected if I've got the wrong end of the stick somewhere.
Never hurts to revisit anything! Thanks! I think “Araminta” had a post about this a few weeks ago? (Sorry about the spelling).
I’m going through the very first 2 editions of Transvestia. The WWII story is terrific!
Barb : )
Potatoes / Potaughtoes ?? . )
[postquote quote=591734]
Same title different lyrics.....lol
[postquote quote=591729]
At least i am up to date with something.....lol
Hi Connie
It was the same when I was growing up, men in dresses or make up were weirdo's or bent, In those days if you were gay you were happy.
I remember when I was a nipper I would watch my mum getting dressed on a Friday night and I once tried her lipstick, you would have thought I had killed the cat by her reaction and when dad heard the fuss, solved it all by giving me a wallop that knocked me over.....so Transvestite = £.s.d. and Cross dresser = Decimal.
Hugs x
Thanks for posting that Connie. Now I’ve got my holiday (and beyond) reading list.
can always watch the rocky horror movie.
'Oulet and Outlook on the Subject of Fancinating Attire'
1- Possessing the power to charm or allure; captivating.
2- capable of holding the attention.
3- capturing interest as if by a spell.
The title alone gave me a giggle - so true.
Love Jane X.