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Hey girls. Anyone experience an uncomfortable issue passing thru airport security? I was traveling home on leave with a set of breast forms, some other fem items and a mil issue aviation crash axe in my luggage. The airport was small enough to allow every TSA agent present to come and view the baggage X-ray. Soon the hummm, ohhh, ummm and finger pointing at the screen began. Didn't know what items spiked their interest so I approached and asked if they needed any clarification. This seemed to diffuse the situation and I passed without baggage inspection, thank heaven! Reluctantly, am now very careful as to what I include in my bags.
I have travelled several times dressed without issue. TSA has never been anything other than courteous.
MacKenzie Alexandra
I’d leave out the crash axe. Gilly.
Gillian, sorry, forgot to mention that this bag was checked not carry on. HUGS Mina.
I got some odd looks once when traveling with breast forms in my carry on. They looked at the X-ray and back at me a couple times, but let me through.
I wouldn't know, since I refuse to fly. I use Amtrak for travel and all my fem items are in my checked suitcase. Never have any issues.
I've only flown a few times. I once had the same concern when I packed a couple of one piece swimsuits into a checked luggage bag. I then remembered one of my other flights where I checked in a weapons case with guns in it (legal and the airline knew about them), so that fear dissipated. When I fly, I am always traveling with something I know would not make it in my carry on (like a pocket knife and Leatherman tool), so I will put as much into my check luggage as I can and only bring my wallet and phone when I walk through inspection.
Silicone, latex and gel-core products show up poorly on x-ray, so the tsa agents end up guessing based on faint shapes, or opening the bag, something that often happens with my checked bags as they tend to contain a knife roll and also some less than conventional personal items
I have flown domestic in Sweden several times with breast forms or helpers, undrwire bras and so on in my carry on luggage without problems or questions. I have also flown to UK and back in full female dress. Had a little trouble convincing check-in at Heathrow that it was me in the passport and finally had to loose the wig for a moment. Security check went without issues.
I've only travelled with Rachel in a bag by air once, and that was when we emigrated here from the UK. She was packed up neatly in the bottom of our checked-in suitcase - boobs, a couple of bras and a wig. There were no issues that I was aware of.
In the 12 years since then I've only flown one - domestic - and she didn't come with me.
The TSA website covers this well:
Very clear you can travel en femme, breast forms do not count against the liquids rules and you can ask to be patted down by a female agent if en femme. Don't get smart and enter gender female if your ID is male though.
Happy travelling, girls!
I think the airport crash axe may have had something to do with all the activity. That is an odd item to have and that is what security looks for. Why an axe, do you know or plan something?????? That is their thinking mode. Look around you girls, see if you can spot odd activity or items going onto planes. On one trip I handed over receipts for purchases....one including a magazine.....Guns and Ammo. You want to talk about a fast trip to the back room!!!!! Didn't read the receipt but saw Guns and Ammo.......talk about getting bent out of shape. Sheeesh!
Dame Veronica
An interesting topic and one I've wondered about in today's high security times. Last Oct. (2018), after completion of a Viking Rhine River cruise, we were checking in at the airport in Switzerland for our flight back to Amsterdam and on to the USA. I've always taken great care in packing my carry on and in my pockets. As I went through the Swiss metal detector the alarm went off. This was repeated 2 more times while my already cleared wife waited and watched this. I thought I'd seen a sly smile from a few of their security people. I was then taken aside, but in clear view of all who cared to observe, and told to spread my legs and arms against the wall. (I was 79 when this took place and no big deal to look at.) I was then physically patted down from head to toe. Next thing I know I'm being told to loosen my pants (belt was in the scanner tray) once done I now feel their hands (there were 2 of them) sliding down to my groin area. When they touched my satin panties they played around in there for much longer than I thought necessary. (I'm sure they were let down that it didn't "grow" for them but that is no longer possible for me since prostate was removed in 2000.) When I inquired just what they were looking for they stopped and allowed me to pass. I do wonder if foreign airports have stronger x-ray scanners than the TSA does here in the USA? How else could they know what I was wearing for underwear? So "gurls" be careful what you wear underneath oversea's!!! Although "closeted" I am a full time satin panty wearer and love that feeling.
I've never had any problems flying domestically either before or after "9/11". In the 70's and 80's I flew on business trips with 2 suitcases (no extra charges then). One held my male items and the 2nd Berta's things!