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Trying to "curb my enthusiasm", New Situation

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Good Morning Gurls!

Let me preface this story by saying, please don't think I'm some kind of weird person for this, but here goes.

I go to the same coffee shop every morning.  All the people who work there are fairly young, hip and what I consider pretty cool people.  They are all very nice, some know me by name and have seen how I dress, professionally and on weekends when in hybrid mode.  They are not phased in the least and all just very much at ease.

This last week they have a new member on their team, note that all of these people are easily in their early to mid 20's.  This new young "man", is absolutely darling.  He's generally in jeans and blouse, yes a blouse, and wears light makeup.  (s)He is absolutely just cute and beautiful.  When "she's" there I just want to jump for joy, she is so attractive, and I'm so impressed by her courage to be out there.  I would love to sit and talk with this person.  She has not seen me in hybrid mode.  Although I was there this morning, my attire calls for "guy" clothes.  (Feels weird!)  I'm hoping I can be-friend this person, and not seem like some old pervert.  She is what I wish I would have been at her age, and I just want to tell her this!

Confused and amused!


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Estimable Member     Prescott, Arizona, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hey Rebecakka,

Don't know why you spell your name with two "K" honey, but to each her own.

I know what you mean, this younger generation sure is hip about LBGT. It's to bad we didn't carry out our feeling when we were young too. I wanted to transition in my 20's, but my family wouldn't understand at all so I put them before my feminine desires and chickened out. My birth family would have disowned me for sure. Dad beat me a lot when I was young. I got caught dressing and in full makeup and heels, by my Uncle about 13-14. Lucky for me he never told my Dad.

You should let this person know how you feel about them. Just tell "her" you love her clothed or give her the a sign, a wink should do the trick. Then get her in a conversation. I'm sure she will be receptive with you.

Good Luck with your infatuation honey. I'd love to hear what happens. Maybe you'll get lucky and become good friends.


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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Jenna,

Thanks and I'm hoping to make a good friend here.  We'll see how it turns out, if at all.  If nothing else she is a pleasure to look at, and see.


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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Rebekka.....she who hesitates is lost!  Go over there and introduce yourself sweetie!

Dane Veronica

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Hi Rebekka,

This story is so cute.  I feel for you.  Find your moment and enjoy.

Leslie xx

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Good morning Gurls!

Funny thing I've noticed about this person, who I've slowly been speaking with.  "She" wears the cutest blouses, everyday, and lite makeup.  On the bottom half however, she is all male.  Male pants/jeans, shoes/boots, etc.  Just the opposite of me!

Kind of funny.


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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

hi rebekka. wow! I so wish I was in that situation because I would definitely go for it. you have one big advantage over me, in that you have been outside dressed as female and in the shop they all know you too. if you dont try it you will never know, as mentioned before, this could be the start of a wonderful friendship, something so many of us so desperately want but have immense difficulty in finding. of course you might get rebuffed but I would say not. maybe it might be better to gradually introduce yourself by first putting on lip stick, then gradually concentrate on putting female clothes on. either way, I feel you should act, or you might regret it much later on, by wishing you said something but never did. just say hello and introduce yourself then at least its a start and you will know if and what will happen next.

love and kisses, fiona.

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Thank you Fiona, love!

Great words, excited about wearing lipstick.


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