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hi sisters of this wonderful site, i just wanted to share a little bit of my personal experience about my fights with myself to accept me completely, i would say that since i decided to not ignore and hidden my feminine identity, my life started to get better in aspects like well being and inner peace, selfconfident and love for myself which i did not do for long time, always with the shame in the middle, but now Thanks to my Faith in GOD and my own acceptance, everything is getting better, i do not know yet what will come in the future for Alexandra but with GOD i am much more confident and stronger than years ago, i hope you like this short reflection that is part of my life hugs
🥰Wonderful Alexandra 🥰
💓💓 Beautiful Alexandra. 💓💓
Alexandra -
Welcome to CDH
I completely understand what you are saying. The more I accept myself, the more at peace I am. Being at peace helps me in my everyday interactions with the world too. While I was reserved and introverted in the beginning, I am becoming more open and outgoing now. I still have a long way to go as I see it but I'm on the right road.
Hi Alexandra,
Fabulous to hear you share that you are accepting your true self!