Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Today is my one year anniversary of joining CDH and therefore Allie's first birthday.
I've written elsewhere about how I came to be free and accepted, nay, embraced by my male half, (for anyone who may be interested and hasn't seen it, it's Leeds First Friday, part one).
I want to mark the occasion, not by going over old ground but by noting a few of the waypoints that mean so much to me and a little compare and contrast to illustrate the power of this community to initiate and support real change in our lives.
I joined you all, (well, all that were members then as there's been a lot of new members since then and the pedant in me just has to clarify that), exactly 12 months ago to the day. Like so many of us, I had begun to realise that there was a part of me that I had denied without ever casting light on it and exploring it. Not going down that road, who knows where it might lead!
However, my wife's easy acceptance gave me strength to, as I saw it, risk discovery by looking for information about crossdressing in the hope that I might better understand this hitherto unexplored part of me. All of you who have done the same know what gets thrown up, literally and metaphorically, if you type "crossdressing" into the search box 😱. But, such was my need to find out more, I didn't give up and was rewarded by Crossdresser Heaven popping up next. It only took a few minutes before I decided to sign up. I hesitantly wrote an introduction and posted it.
Within minutes, I began to receive lovely welcomes, among the first were Fiona Finlay @finallyfiona and Ellie Davis. @ellyd22 I mention both because they quickly put me at ease and talking to them showed me that neither I nor most other crossdressers are strange creatures. I am proud to call both of you friends. Yeah, I did say most but less of that shortly.
I have since met and befriended other beautiful souls here and freely and happily shared, and discovered, stuff about myself that I've never shared with anyone. That sentence, while conveying information, cannot begin to describe the enormity of this for me. I have, by necessity and choice, been a very private person as long as I can remember. Or, rather, the male side of me was, Allie is an altogether different side, as if I need to say! It seems woefully inadequate to say that this was a revelation, mostly wonderful but tinged with regret that I had kept her unknown and unexpressed for so long. However, she's here now and ain't going away 😊.
I think I had been here about five or six months when Ellie asked if I'd like to be a "hostess". I didn't need to think about it, here was an opportunity to give something back to the community that has done so much for me. A few weeks after that and I was invited to apply to be an ambassador. A no-brainer, I'm here for the duration and I'll do whatever I can to help keep CDH the amazing place that it is. That includes guiding the aforementioned "strange creature", or different type of crossdresser to sites more suited to their stated desires, the exact nature of which I leave to your imagination.
In October last year, Allie enjoyed her first public outing to the Leeds First Friday! This was literally a dream come true, and to spend it with Fluff, Ellie and Liz @lizk was the icing on the cake. We arrived on the Thursday and went out for a meal and one or ten drinks that evening, it was life-changing. Sure, there was a bit of a crash the following day as the magnitude of what I was doing hit me but a few hours later and I was good again.
This year...so far, I have a joint makeover with Fluff and Ellie booked at the magical Tracey's, thereafter the three of us will grace Pink Punters with our magnificence and I'll spend a few days with them and, hopefully meet another friend, Rebecca, @fembecky while I'm there.
A couple of days after I come home, I'm planning to meet another good friend, Emma T, @emmat for a day at the races as she's coming to Scotland.
And, of course, there's the inaugural CDH@LFF in August, that is going to be next level fun!
Oh, I nearly forgot. For many years, I took antidepressants, trying more than once to wean myself off them before finally going "cold turkey" and moving to a herbal remedy (St John's Wort). I have not taken any, nor felt the need to do so since my first couple of months here! Right there is the power of CDH.
I want to finish now by saying that this past year has been the best, yes, the best of my life, so far, and offering my heartfelt thanks to everyone here. I look forward to the future!
Allie x
Allie -
Happy Anniversary. Glad you found us. SOounds like it's been an exciting year for you.
Allie my wonderful friend, happy anniversary to you ❤️
It's been an absolute pleasure to be with you, online and in person, as you've grown in this last 12 months. Our trip to LFF in October was one of the best times of my life, the company of yourself, Ellie and Liz was a very large part of that - and all the more special for it being your first time out in public. I am similarly very proud to call you all my friends 😊
I greatly look forward to seeing you and Ellie again for our makeover and girly night out in March, and hopefully to meet Rebecca in Oxford. That's so good to hear about having eM up to stay with you too, I hope you have a great time at the races!
With love, and may your second year contain even more magic in your life than the first 🤗
Big hugs lovely,
Fluff xxx
@alexina My dear and lovely Allie, I am so glad you've found us and equally so that we've found you! I value you and your contributions and I'm delighted that you're blossoming at this point in your life!
I wish you a 2nd year with no less success! Forge ahead, girl and see what's out there for you! ❤️
Happy Birthday Allie! 🎂🎁🎉
Joanna 💕
Happy anniversary Allie!
Anna xx
Happy Birthday Allie. I know how you feel I felt very apprehensive when I first joined here as I had never discussed my femme side or posted any photos of my en femme on anywhere before. However the positive vibes I got off the fab girls on here have made me feel more confident in expressing my femme side and hope to take the next steps (getting a make-over and going out in public as Lizzy) this year. Hugs Lizzy
Happy Anniversary Allie and what a year!
Yours is a testimony to what this site can do for an individual. Yours is an exceptional tale but even if it helps in a small way for someone to have contact, come to terms or progress it proves the value of this community.
You have been a beacon of positivity Allie and we are all grateful for your wonderful contributions.
I didn't realise I was here before you, I just assumed you had been a permanent fixture for years. I'm busy on here as an editor—quick shout-out to my-partner-in-crime Fiona—which means I can push all the awkward things on to the ambassadors like yourself; you all do a marvellous job.
I too am quite thankful that I found CDH before I found other, less salubrious places, as I have been able to pursue my cross-dressing habits safe in the knowledge that I am not alone—something for which I'm sure we are all very grateful.
Congratulations on your first year here, long may your presence continue.
Congrats on year #1 Allie! As Allie becomes a bigger part of your life, I can assure you that year #2 will be even more exciting and fulfilling.
happy anniversary Allie cheers 🥂 to another wonderful year ahead congratulations 🍾 on all your achievements here on CDH so wonderful to read thanks for everything you have done here truly is an amazing and honor to be part of this community TC
Happy one year anniversary Allie!
Lovely to read that Allie ! Acceptance, and being accepted, is so transformative I think.
Debbie x
Happy anniversary, Allie!
Your response and acceptance shows the power of influence that such a community can have, not only on the whole universal community, but on its individuals, too.
The moderation of CDH and care from our Ambassadors ensures that this will remain a safe place for newcomers, as well.
One thing that I was not prepared for when I joined was seeing the health benefits coming from the boundless acceptance of other members, too. Well done, girls!
Happy anniversary, Allie.
You have had a positive influence on us. Thanks for it!
Time is fast. A week ago was my seventh anniversary at CDH. I love this community.