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Hi Gurls!
Hope you are all well! Feeling good today!
My nails are getting sort of long. I will keep them at a reasonable length and of all things in the way I dress they seem to be the most notable! Especially for someone who talks with her hands a lot!
I do not paint them, yet, but keep them nice looking I am having difficulties typing however and am trying to retrain myself by typing "flat fingered" so I am typing with the "pads" of my fingers and not finger tips.
Anyone else have this problem?
I triedand did grow them for a bit and liked it but my job is tough on them, and nail polish on a day to day basis...forget about it.
I have a hard enough time using this darn phone for writing already.
Hi Rebekka.
I type in false nails sometimes...nightmare....and it also sounds like a demented woodpecker. I have tried typing with my pads, but bigger area so i sometimes press two keys at once...try reading that!!!
So now i'm a part time demented woodpecker who also sometimes types in russian!!!....you can't win...
Grace x
Hi Rebekka,
I've had longer nails on and off, and and worked in a job that involved a lot of keyboard use. I never did get the hang of flat fingered typing. Thinking about it now, it was probably the limiting factor as to how long I kept them.
It's a separate story, but sometimes I've grown just my left little fingernail to over 1.5 inch from base to tip. Now that was interesting. That finger became a 'passenger', quite noticeably stuck up in the air away from the keyboard. Lol, the daft things we sometimes do.
Oh, and btw, you could start off your nail painting with a just a clear coat for everyday living? If you choose a matt finish it just blends. I seem to have settled for a clear gloss, visible, but no big deal when I'm out and about.
Good luck !
Marti xxx
My nails tend to break and tear very easily so I don't dare grow them long as it hurts like hell if they tear into the nail bed! I also find it uncomfortable to type when they are longer so it's not even really a consideration for me.
I love when my nails get long but typing is a huge problem. Typing flat with pads results in a lot of "fat finger syndrome ". I understand what GG women go through. Lol. We need a GG to teach us how it's done. How about it girlfriends and wives, could you advise us? 😚
Of course the other problem is keeping the nails long. They are always breaking. 😭
OMG yes. Been there, done that.
Yep, sit on the dam keyboard all day. It took me a bit to relearn to type, changing the angle of the keyboard really helps.
If like me you use a lappy, pick up a proper USB keyboard with the little flip out feet.
Thanks for all the replies, some very funny! Love you gals!
And wouldn't you know it!!!!! I had to do some "guy work" with a new vehicle I purchased, just sorting things out and in the process ruined a couple of nails!!!!!
Darn it!!!!
UGH!!!!! I hate having to do some of these things now!!