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ULTA Makeover and First Time Dressing in Public!

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Active Member     New London, Connecticut, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hey girls, hope you all are doing well! Just wanted to tell a little story about the adventure I had last weekend, and hopefully help to inspire other women to do something similar. So, it starts with me scheduling an ULTA make up lesson for last Friday. Initially and pretty much right up until just before I was to leave for the appointment, I was planning on going out and presenting as a male. The thought of getting dressed to go out never crossed my mind. Prior to this I had been working on dressing more regularly in private to help me normalize that feeling. To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure what came over me in the moment, but I suddenly had such a strong urge to dress and walk outside! I had finally gotten a dress that was appropriate to be worn in public and, once I tried it on that day, I just didn’t want to take it off. Next came the wig, the heels, and the thigh highs! In that moment, dressing as a woman just felt natural, and my confidence in my appearance was immense. So, I took my first awkward steps in my high heels out the door.

Walking to my car, I didn’t see anyone in my apartment complex, which I was still a tad nervous about. Pulling up to ULTA, I took a few deep breathes to get myself mentally prepared. No one had ever seen me like this, and I felt vulnerable in a way. What if someone laughs at me? What if they treat me differently? Am I really ready for this? After a couple minutes, I decided to just get out of the car and strut inside. I’m so glad I did. I was immediately welcomed with warm smiles and a very friendly environment. The woman doing my makeup went above and beyond to take her time and make it easy to understand for a novice like me. The conversation was nice and it honestly just felt like a normal experience. It made me so happy to meet people who accepted me as Stephanie. When the lesson was done, I hope this doesn’t sound conceited, but I looked and felt so beautiful. I couldn’t believe the transformation, and my confidence soared. Before the makeup lesson, I didn’t plan on going out afterwards but, when I felt that sexy, I knew I couldn’t keep it to myself.

I decided to head to an lgbtq friendly bar about an hour away. I didn’t care I was alone, I just wanted to be seen as a beautiful woman for the first time. The night was young, but I still did have to be up early, so I figured I’d have a couple drinks, and get used to being in public as Stephanie. Suffice to say, the plan of leaving at a reasonable time went out the window. Multiple people came up to talk, ask questions about my dressing, me, and flirt (I think, I’m pretty awkward, so I could be misinterpreting). The feeling was amazing. For one of the few times in my life, I felt desirable, I felt pretty. I felt like a woman. Absolutely awesome group of people I talked to, and I’m already planning to go out again. Recently picked up makeup to start practicing and I’m trying to plan events to go out to. For anyone on the fence about going out in public, I say go for it!! Especially if it’s in environments that cater towards our community. Everyone I encountered was lovely, and I can’t wait to meet more. Have a great day girls!

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Posts: 53
Trusted Member     Cheboygan, Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Stephanie,

It sounds like you had a very lovely day. I am so happy for you. I hope to someday to be able to enjoy a day like that.

Posts: 148
Estimable Member     Central PA, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Congratulations.  Hope to hear about more adventures.

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Stephanie.......great soooo glad you.....did it...flaunted it and reaped admiring fans! all should get a professional make up. Just to see what can be done.

Dame Veronica

Posts: 594
Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Stephanie I am so pleased for you girl.What a wonderful experience.You truly desrved it.

Posts: 129
Estimable Member     Winter Haven, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Hi Stephanie

Your story about going for a makeover has given me the confidence to do it to .I just made a reservation at a ulta salon and I'm going to go tomorrow. Very excited and also nervous, as I'm going to go dressed en femme. I only hope that I have a wonderful experience like you did. I have been out in public quite a few times, but this will be the first time that I am going to interact with someone. I told the receptionist that I am a crossdresser and she said that it doesn't matter. I will be welcomed and treated like I'm a female. She said to just walk in and try not to be nervous. Just keep a open mind and let the cosmetic professional do what she has been trained to do, to make you look like a lovely lady .That conversation made me feel like I was doing the right thing

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

This thread is 4 years old and we haven't heard from Steph in quite some time.  Not surprising that staff closed it.  But there's a message here for every girl that struggles to get out of the closet....

This is the real deal.  A shining example of what's possible when 'ya walk out the door with a little confidence and attitude.  And if 'ya ain't got it....fake it.  Good stuff happens.

My first makeover was around the same time....pre-pandemic 2019.  I was scared before I walked out the door.  But I badly wanted that makeover.  Something told me it would be okay.  So off I went....

That first makeover changed my life.  Looking in the mirror I saw a girl that had just come to life.  She was real and she needed to be seen.  I'm not gonna lie.  She looked good.  Today was HER day.  The first of many.  I knew she couldn't be put back in the closet.  She was outgoing, self-assured, and sassy as hell.  Nothing like me....except she was me.  Other people noticed.  They were kind.  They complimented.  They flirted.  We stayed out well past dark.

We got home late and had one of those "WTF just happened" moments.  We just saw the future.

So point your eyes upward.  Read Steph's experience again.  She changed her life in 1 day.  You can too if you're willing to go for it.

Closets are for clothes.  Don't let yours be a prison.



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