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Politics aside please (or the Q risks being taken down), how many genders are there and how many should we cater for?
I will not spoil the debate, but I was staggered to see how many there are listed under one of the searches I carried out.
Even with only two sexes (not my word), surely there is still a problem, as it Shirley doesn’t stop the subjective opportunity to cross and use the adjacent rest room?
Why not be bold and have facilities for just one gender.
I have seen several stores and restaurants lately going the direction of Unisex Bathrooms. There is also an app called "Refuge Restrooms" that will help you find a friendly bathroom.
i think the schools in Maine are unisex now. i gets some kids don't know if they are male, female or trans.
Here in the U.K. there are plenty of so called unisex rest rooms/toilets and always have been. Smaller businesses have limited space so can only have one cubicle. Outside events have those portaloos which are singular, lockable and unisex as it were so where ever you feel on the spectrum you are catered for.
For 99.99% of human development we did have unisex everything, and at times still do. It has only been in the last few thousand years, and in some societies that the whole gender thung became an issue, so we can obviously survive as a species without all the complications we have created.
There are two sexes, but even that is complicated by anomolies and evolutionary quwirks.
The main reason there are separate men’s and women’s bathrooms are because us men can’t keep the dam things clean !!! Lol
Hi Valentina; You were wondering how many genders there might be. I did hear once that apparently the Eskimoes recognise 27 different genders!!! Now how true that might be I don't know. Perhaps it includes those that enjoy the company of Polar Bears or Seals, but 27 is stretching it a bit, eh?! By the way, I love your picture. May I ask please.....is there any special or particular reason for it being a mermaid??