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I will have to say thanks to all my ladies here on the suggestions that have been given to me about bringing up the subject of breastforms. So I did what my girl said and well. I said I just needed to fill up my bras a little bit more. So she suggested on what I might need to do. And if she wanted, she would pick him out. So hopefully, I will have 2 sets of breast forms on the way pretty soon. Thanks everybody for all the feedback.And I had to make sure I made this update kisses to all
yes i got beast forms. i got a c size. i see why girls want bigger breast. i didn't think it was a big deal. but after a while i ordered bigger ones. double d's. now that's much better.
That's so cool I'd live to rock that size I'd like for them to bang but I'm just starting so om being modest for now
I'm so excited to find out ! .! I would love to atleast have (teen buds)and nipples nipping out)ill keep everyone a breast lol