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A few weeks ago, my son came to stay the for weekend and, for good or ill, I told him I was an occasional cross dresser. After a conversation, that I realised might not be going too well, I asked him if he'd like to see a photograph -- he declined and we left it at that. We have been in touch a couple of times since (he lives 250 miles away from me) via Whatsapp but the subject has not come up again.
Tonight, we had a video chat, something we've done on and off since COVID lockdowns, and I decided not to mention the elephant in the room -- then he did! He asked me if I was still 'glamming up', I replied that I was.
There followed a long chat about Becca, her style, what she does, where she goes and in the end, after I said he should meet Becca in the flesh, he said she (I, obviously) should come up to London (where he lives) and we'd go out into town. We also went through what he thought I was when I first told him as he had an image in his head of a low-effort tranny from the 1990's. He also now has a photograph of Becca and he has told his partner about me, so it's all out there now and he is aware that I aspire to be an elegant older lady, not a big-titted drag queen!
Since completing the video call, he has sent me some Whatsapp messages regarding how genuinely happy he is that I have found an alternative life to step into now and again. In saying this, he has finally answered a question that I had for myself -- why do I cross dress? -- and it is so that I can be someone else, just for a little while, and that's very nice.
Anyway, a chat we are both so glad we've had. The elephant IS in the room and now she has a name...
Oh! How very nice!
That's the best result possible!
Congrats - and hope everything keeps going that well!
Hi Rebecca,
I so love that story. I'm so proud that the girl in the room has been validated lol. I took have came out with my kids. Not in that they've seen me but I don't have to hide my clothes, heels, bras and wigs around them anymore. My wardrobe has grown so much it would be totally impossible now. Ha ha my granddaughter gets into jewelry too. I haven't dressed up in front of them ha ha just not ready for that yet. But it's so peaceful to know you can be who you are with the support of our loved ones. Btw I love the " low effort tranny from the 90s, 😂. I was so like that in the beginning but I too am a glam girl now
Thank you for sharing Rebecca!!!
.Becca -
That is wonderful, I'm so happy for you. I hope things continue is a positive way for you.
@rebeccabaxter I'm genuinely happy for you! It's a big step for both of you, and I'm glad it's looking to be a great outcome! 🙂
I'm so happy for you!! Hope your outing as Becca to London with son goes well.
Thank you everyone, for your comments, it is indeed a happy day. As far as family is concerned though, that is that; my brother in New Zealand is quite old school (no gays, no foreigners (ironic really since he's an immigrant to NZ), no anything really (not that I see him) and my sister and my daughter would not understand at all. So it's just my wife and son, whether my ex-wife (my son's mother) will ever find out remains to be seen but I doubt she'd worry about it anyway as she is a bit of a fag-hag (my son's description of her as she likes going to gay bars).
Now I'm just waiting to be found out [and ostracised?] by the people in my village but I'm not rushing that one.
You played it very well by telling and then leaving it for him to think about a bit until he was ready to get into it further. It takes most of us a long while to wrap our head around our dressing, so it is no different for those we tell.