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Verbiage and a Initialage....Oh My!

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

First of all, let me say this....My little conundrum is all my own and none of it reflects upon TGH and CDH.

Just read on a site that the new Verbiage for our closely aligned Friends is....LGBT2Q.

It means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, 2-Spirited and Queer.

I don't get it........Woman and Woman, Man and Man, Woman and Man/man and Woman, Man and Woman, Woman and Man and "odd, strange, unusual, funny, peculiar, curious, bizzare, weird, uncanny and so on" according to Goggle. This makes my head spin.

To me....this all seems to be redundant, does it not? No offense intended here but it reminds me of the old Monty Python skit of...spam, spam, spam and spam. I am not sure how to explain all of this to the children who are confused enough by Barney!

Oh well....somewhere, someplace it all makes perfect sense, except to this old crone. To me they will always be...different folks with different strokes. Beam me up Scotty!  What say you all? Gotta love me!

Dame Veronica

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Hun if you are confused don't ask me what i am. All human .

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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hey sis!

In my opinion as Bobbi said to me it doesn’t matter what letter of the alphabet they align with what matters is their chosen name, pronoun, gender, or what have you. I will call a cat a pigeon if that’s what they wish. So whatever letter is chosen to represent them it doesn’t matter to me because I will call them however they wish. “So say we all!”


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Reputable Member     Buffalo, New York, United States of America
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I think our culture is the best of them all.  Most of the others in the alphabet soup tend to get militant and in-your-face.  We are humble and more reserved.  We respect each other and also respect those who don’t see things our way.  We’d much rather give hugs than trade barbs or deliver left hooks.  We don’t try to blame anyone for who we are, we accept and cherish it

One day we’ll have our own letter, but I’d rather it stood on its own.

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Charmagne........honey.....we do have our own letter(s).  H or HB........Human Beings LOL.

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago have given me a scathingley brilliant idea! This can make billions.

How about we have blouses made up with a "CD" on the sleeve near the shoulder. This can continue on with an L or a G or a B or a T or a 2 or an N(normie)  just like sports jerseys have Capt., Coach and so on. Army shoulder patches have different Units or badge of rank.

See where I am going with this????

Dame Veronica

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Holy cow.....I am on a roll.  In this day and age....communication is the key to a functional life forms method of expressing ones self. It comes in the form of Letters of Text now.  LOL, LMAO, YUP, and so on.  The sleeve patch for gender identification is another form of this. Or how about all the mechanical knick knacks.......they have a little metal plate that gives all their pertinent information....we humans could do like-wise, oh I know, we have T-Shorts that can do that now, but they are so passe'.

"INPUT, NEED INPUT!"  -  Johnny 5       (Short Circuit Movie)

Dame Veronica

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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Lol, oh sis,

Anyone with a military background would understand what you mean with insignias and branch patches, corps/company/squadron/ship or boat patches but I think to our Hebrew friends it may seem like WWII Poland again. Of course instead of patches to be worn maybe lapel pins similar to the US flag worn by many today. Or should a chip be embedded under the forearm skin with all of our identification and medical history? We could also tattoo a QR code on the back of the neck with the same info as a chip.

No matter what form of Identification markings and the type it would alienate many in our society and bring back nightmares for others. I am fairly sure there would be a pushback from one sector of our population or another. Before we get a handle on the future we should find a solution to fix today.

I apologize sis as i am in a contrary moods but you know you have my love and support for anything!

Love ❤️ and hugs 🤗





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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Thank you for your input Danielle!  How are you feeling.....on the mend, I hope. I have been "under the front porch" myself. Private letter to follow....I promise!!

I do like the "PIN" idea. I didn't mean to suggest a military set up, merely used to get an idea across. Personally, I think that it is high time that people put "what happened in the past" in the past. Remembering is all-right........harboring and belaboring is quite something else. Look to the future to improve relationships, not the past.

Everyone loves to wear "statement clothing"....I think maybe we should get on the band wagon too. What better way to show the world that we are proud of who we are and not afraid to show it. However, we are going off the topic idea.....again...great idea about the pins....I am going to look into this. Thank you sweetie.

Your friend in sickness and in health LOL.


Posts: 114
Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Veronica, sis, it is so good to hear from you. Sorry you are under the porch but I still prefer the old adage of under the weather. Yeah I was surely in a contrary mood this morning. I couldn’t even remember what I wrote. So please pay me no mind because I am still having some issues from the concussion yet. Waiting on an appointment to be scheduled so I can see a Neurologist because this is almost 4 weeks since the accident. It does appear now that this sever concussion is more serious than first thought. So if I get contrary or just straight out strange, wait I’m always strange or weird. Okay if I get contrary or weirder than mormal, as if I’m normal, lol, then don’t pay attention to what I type up! At least just place a grain of salts faith in what I say sis.

I love the statement clothing idea though. The initials on a short sleeve cuff is a good idea too. Like a polo shirt or golf shirt the initials could go on the small cuff at the end of the sleeve. There to find if you know what to look for and not so obvious if you don’t. That idea I really like, patches are great for military and veterans it not most civilians. But the statement clothing idea is fabulous dear. Lapel pins would work too.

PM to follow😁



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