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I don't know if this topic as been covered and some may not consider it an important part of a crossdressers wardrobe, but it is my next big step. I've worn glasses since 4th grade. I added contacts as a second option before I started college. I wear my male glasses when I attend my CD/TG support group meetings. I've worn my contacts when I did full make-up for two separate special occasions. Last week my frames cracked and the right lens falls out.
During one of my CD/TG support group meetings, a member told her story of when she got both male and female glasses. I've thought about her story ever since. I haven't had an eye exam in a long time and decided it was time. My eyesight has changed slightly. I took the leap and in about two weeks I'll have new men's glasses and my first pair of women's glasses. I'm so excited. I'm hoping this will help me look more like a lady. I welcome any comments or fellow experiences. Thank you for reading this post.
Interesting topic Britney.I have worn glasses since I was fifteen.I have never really thought about wearing ladies spectacles.Maybe I ought to.You have given me the inspiration.
Glasses designed for women really do help feminise the face Brittney. I bought a pair off a rack in a superstore. Not quite my prescription so a little bit fuzzy in the distance.I don’t wear them for long spells so no harm done, no headaches or anything. I found it actually helped me not give a dam about people who I pass in the street and whether they may be staring, I can’t focus on whether their eyes are on me or not😂Ignorance is bliss, Just walk with my head held high(except in heels,watching for dangerous heel sized cracks/drain covers etc).
The assistant who helped me, suggested I get a frame with a slight upwards arc. She said it helps open the eye area more and shows the eyebrow better.
The store I went to offers two pairs of glasses for a set price. After I picked my male frame, she asked if I wanted my second pair to be the same frame or if I wanted to pick another. I was open and honest with her and told her I was gender fluid person and I wanted my second pair to be a women's frame. She understood and didn't judge me.
Ah yes, great topic, for those of us who must wear spectacles, in both boy and girl mode.
I am very near sighted and must wear glasses.
After going to many eye-glass stores, none of the female frames appealed to me. Finally, I went to my local Korean lady to pick up some skirts she altered for me, and I noticed she was wearing a very feminine and very attractive pair of rimless glasses. I was told in the eye-glass stores that my prescription would not allow for this style. So, I asked Kim, who has a prescription almost as strong as mine, where she got her beautiful-looking rimless girl glasses. She told me from Zenki Optical, an on line store. Sure enough, I went to their site and immediately ordered two pairs.
Take a look at my photos on CDH. I think the glasses look pretty girly.
Someone commented here that they were asked all sort of questions, when they went to a store and said they wanted female glasses. You must be joking! That is none of their business, and I would demand an apology and a chat with the store manager. That is, unless they needed to know this information, in order to create a good fit for you.
Great topic Brittney!
I'm right there with you! I'm due for an eye exam and a new prescription, so when I go, I'll ask for a copy of the script and order a pair of femme glasses from Zenni. Until that day, I have 3-4 pair of pretty readers I take on my outings.
Hello Peggy Sue, As I replied to Roxanne, I was open and honest with the store assistant. Had she judged me; I would have asked for my prescription, paid for my exam, and gone somewhere else for my frames. Since joining my CD/TG support group(September 2018), I only give my business to stores that accept and support our community. I will look at your photos asap. Thank you for reading my story and sharing yours.
My mistake, another girl caught it.
It is Zenni Optical, versus my typo of Zenki.
<giggles> I am a silly girl.
Peggy Sue
I do have a pair of women's glasses for Marianne since several years. Walked into a store on a trip and tried out a good looking red frame. Then ordered a pair at my local store. No questions asked.
For my first public foray, I was not ready to fight the full makeup fight so I bought a cheap pair of large tortoise shell womens glasses. Amazing on several fronts. First it gave me a feeling of invisibility, just like when I used to wear mirror lenses so I could check out all the lovely bodies on the beach. Secondly, it did very much femme up my face in a very simple and general way. Finally, because the whole look seemed so femme to me, it gave me that extra boost of confidence to follow through on my plan to go "out".
I plan to add more pairs of sunglasses, a pair of readers, and a few "fake lens" glasses. I hope to make several of them more upscale and fashionable. Until then, my dollar tree sunglasses are serving me very well. Each day I'm discovering it is the tiny little cues that men and women pick up on that make it easier to relax and 'pass'. Glasses, earrings, the makeup, and jewelry. I borrowed one of my local adult store sales gals nametags and wore it. Watches and rings are more expensive so people tend to assume we would not spend that money. Hah, if they only knew how much my boobs cost! Or my wigs!
O definitely a must I need to get my female glasses now that I am starting to go out as jasminejeffries more do you girls think I should get red or pink frames
i have worn glasses since the second grade but cannot tolerate contacts. i am considering buying some more feminine frames once i am sure my prescription is stable but i am waiting to see a specialist about some diabetic eye problems i am developing
Thanks for your post, I've been considering female specs also 🙂
Last time I bought glasses there was a deal at the time for a free second set of frames, so the first set came from the male selection and the second from the female display - a nice red pair. No-one batted an eyelid at all, which was great. Having said that, I prefer to use my contact lenses when en-femme, mostly so I can wear my lovely feminine (non-prescription) sunglasses. It is nice to have the option though.