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Voice transformation

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Trusted Member     Somerville, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 3 months ago

Hi, Ladies!

First, my apologies if this is covered somewhere else on this wonderful site, or if I'm posting this in a weird choice of threads.

I think voice may be one of the more challenging jobs for me.  I can get my voice up pretty high, but it almost sounds cartoonish.  I know there's a lot more to changing my voice to Alison's, and I try to do some experimenting in my car.  I've added a couple of Apps to my phone, but haven't subscribed to their paid content.  I want to give myself the best chance at success.

Just wondering if any of you ladies who have had good success have any suggestions for resources.  I'd like to one day sound like Karen Fairchild of Little Big Town (listen to Girl Crush and I think you'll know why).  LOL!


Thanks, Loves!


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Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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@alisonout1123 Alison,

There are quite a number of good videos on youtube describing how to raise one's voice, along with exercises.  I bought an on line course from Kathie Perez and that has helped me to improve my tone and presentation.  It's all about where the sound comes from; males tend to be chest talkers, while females are more back of the throat or upper neck area.

As with anything, practice is needed.  I tend to sing in the car in my Leah voice to strengthen not only my voice, but the association of talking and where the sound is coming from.  I've found that I now shift into Leah voice any time one of my Trans/CD girlfriends call me on the phone.


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Reputable Member     San pedro, cortes, Honduras
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Hi my dear!!

I am struggling also with this problem, my voice is kind of nasal and loud, and feminine it is a hard job, I've heard from others CDs about exercises to get the voice in a 1/2 octave more higher but I think is a matter of being day by day trying and trying, to train the voice and it is a process of 4-6 months.

Not easy to get good material or videos to do this but as soon as I find somes, I will send to you in a private message if you don't mind.

Kisses and hugs


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Trusted Member     Somerville, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 41

@lujan2099 Thank you, Odeth.  That's very kind and sweet of you.  They say misery loves company, so I don't feel alone in this struggle to give Alison a good life.


Good luck to you, too, love.


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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I've only had to have the odd, brief conversation out in the wild, I've just spoken softly, more mouthing the words than speaking out loud.


Anna xx


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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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I raise my voice about half an octive, which is well within range. Then I open the throat (like they tell you when singing) to eliminate that "male buzz" in the throat. But the real kicker is as @lujan2099 says, I push some of the voice (half to 2/3) into the nasal cavity. It is a smaller space so your voice sounds smaller, yet you can still get volume.

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Trusted Member     Somerville, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 41

@alison-anderson Thank you for that Alison.  I really appreciate it.  Been experimenting quite a bit, but I don't want to try things that might hamper my progress.  Your suggestions make a lot of sense, and I will try to incorporate them.



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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Only my opinion, YMMV...

Raise the pitch slightly, talk more softly and breathy (but don't overdo it).

To really speak in a woman's voice--if you have a normal male voice--is difficult and time-consuming and in most cases not worth it. Unless you really, really look like a woman, once proximity gets so close that a conversation can take place, you are almost certain to be seen as a cross-dresser.

I do try to feminise my voice a little bit but that's so I feel a little bit less masculine in my own mind rather than trying to make someone think I'm a real woman.

Oh, try not to shout as unless you are proficient in emulating a female voice, there is no way you will be able to do this with any subtlety.

I did watch one YT video of a cross-dresser teaching voice control. I would never have known she was actually male until, for the sake of the video, she made her voice go back the original: it was truly spooky to see this good-looking woman speaking like a dock-worker 😀 



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Trusted Member     Somerville, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 41

@rebeccabaxter Thank you for that Becca.

I think I am ultra-aural.  If I ever lost my hearing, it would be devastating.  Maybe because of that, I have become somewhat obsessed with giving Alison a true, feminine, voice.  Kind'a weird, but it might be more important to me than the look (I lost a bit of weight and am working on tightening up what needs to be tightened up, so the look might be easier (With obvious limitations.  I'll never wear a shoe size 8, for instance))



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Trusted Member     Somerville, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 41

@rebeccabaxter Thank you for that Becca.

I think I am ultra-aural.  If I ever lost my hearing, it would be devastating.  Maybe because of that, I have become somewhat obsessed with giving Alison a true, feminine, voice.  Kind'a weird, but it might be more important to me than the look (I lost a bit of weight and am working on tightening up what needs to be tightened up, so the look might be easier (With obvious limitations.  I'll never wear a shoe size 8, for instance))




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