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Hey everyone, Does waist training work? Can the waist be reduced and/or that extra rib be compressed with regular corset use? Does anyone use a serious corset? What I have read says yes but no one has posted any numbers.
Am wearing now, what I would consider to be a serious corset. The kind that allows the laces to be lashed to a door knob. Have worn it on and off over several years and wonder if I should start wearing it for extended periods.
So many options when it comes to buying. Can anyone help? HUGS Mina.
I use a couple of options when I want to pull my waist in, one tighter than the other, depending on what I'm wearing, and how I want to look. However, I've never used one to do the serious waist training that you are talking about. I try to keep my weight off, and try to keep reasonably fit as well. I have wondering much the same thing about wearing one during bike rides, or that.
So, I will be interested to hear from others what their experiences are.
I have witnessed it and talked to people who have tried it. Some say that it doesn't work, others say you can't do ONLY that if your goal is a smaller waist. Yes, I have tried it myself and all I got out of it is the way it looks while I am wearing it. Trying to extend my time wearing it was more miserable than satisfying.
If you're going to buy a serious corset, have it made for you so it's suited to your shape/measurements.
And you don't need to tie it to a door-knob - if it's properly made and well-laced it's pretty simple to do it yourself. And the more you wear it the more comfortable it becomes and the easier it is to get on, as the boning 'seasons' and adjusts.
Thanks Rachel , I'm actually just beginning the process of looking for a corset , so this information is ideal ☺☺👗
<p style="text-align: left;">i had a mild corset before my lädt purge but more for looks than effect . i am looking at a couple now and considering a steel boned corset for waist training. i would also like to hear others experience </p>
I think the right corset works but it takes time and a lot of wearing it first. I have a more hour glass figure now that seems to be permanent but I do want to get slimmer so back into the torture chamber lol.
You go girl. It's an ongoing effort to look good. HUGS Mina.