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So ladies, do you find it is a challenge to keep your female wardrobe organized, so you at least have a general idea of what female items you own?
When the last of our children went out into the world, I took over one bedroom in the home for my exclusive use for all my female items. It was only fair, since my wife claims virtually the entire master bedroom for her use, except for one small bureau which houses my male wardrobe. She also has exclusive use of another bedroom for her sewing, jewelry work, and clothing and shoe storage. In my Peggy Sue room, I have a full-length mirror and a make-up area, a shoe storage area, a few dressers, a closet, and a couple of trunks. For a girly feel, my wife spread out some frilly little table covers, and I have my collection of little pink stuffed teddy bears.
My challenge, and maybe yours too, is to keep all my female items organized into some sort of system, so I can find things, when I need them. I am an engineer by trade, you would think I have a logical organized mind, but it is still a challenge, trying to organize a female wardrobe, and I often find myself hunting for specific items, trying to recall where I put them. Jewelry alone is a huge challenge, but my supportive wife came to the rescue there and got my female jewelry organized by using ring holders, hanging necklace organizers, and a small cabinet for bracelets.
Yes, it is a challenge, but being a girl brings such reward. So what do you do, if anything, to keep your female items in some state of organization?
Side note: A new pest control guy treated our home last month. When he came into Peggy Sue's room, he commented what a pretty room your daughter has. (He knew it was not my wife's room, and he saw photos of Peggy Sue in the room) I looked directly at him and said it is my room, and the girl you are looking at in the photos is me, when I am cross dressed. He said nothing and quickly finished up and left. The company recently informed me a new man has been assigned my home. Wow! He must have really gotten shaken up! Hey, at least he thought I looked young enough as Peggy Sue to be my daughter. Too funny! (As a male, I have gray hair.)
I don't have nearly as much as that, yet! Right now, I have that back part of my side of the walk in closet for the hang up items, and a couple of drawers of my regular dresser for the girly stuff.
The problem is, I keep buying more! And am running out of space. We moved a while ago, and my wife was complaining that I had more clothes, and shoes than she did, and that was only guy stuff!
I have a small spare bedroom which I use as an office, and am planning on moving a spare dresser in there to keep some of my "chick stuff" there.
I live alone in a rented 4 bedroom house. My master bedroom is obviously where my bed is and my normal male clothes in one of those closets. The room next to it is my "computer room" with a closet that stores 50% parts 50% one piece swimsuits on hangers. I think I organize my swimsuits better than my male clothes.
Peggy Sue, you must stop frightening off the pest control guys! Are there any pest control ladies? I wonder if their reaction would’ve been more approving.
Like K Swim, I also live alone, in a rented apartment. However, although my femme stuff is scattered about the apartment in drawers, boxes, hanging in closets, even in file cabinets, I take great pains to keep all of it out of sight. No organization to it whatsoever. However, the femme items I use most often I know exactly where those are.
As I live alone I just have all my clothes as any woman would in wardrobes, hanging rails, drawers etc. in my main bedroom along with all the accessories. None of it is hidden: if something is part worn it is usually hanging in plain view or draped over a chair. The bathroom has lots of feminine items in view. My policy now is if someone has to enter the house then I either tell them, or they can figure it out for themselves.
As for organisation of clothing: I bought a cheap'n'cheerful 6 foot long hanging rail & shelf affair which has two heights of rail. The top half I use for tops and the bottom for trousers, leggings, jeans and shorter skirts. There is also a full height rail used for dresses and a set of shelves I use for footwear. Any maxi skirts and long tunic style tops go in another wardrobe along with the overflow from the hanging rail. All else goes into drawers.
My male clothes are rather stuffed and somewhat hidden away in a spare room and I tend now to only use a small portion of them for going undercover. I got rid of a lot recently as I have been replacing jeans and t-shirts with female equivalents. Guess what? Either no-one notices or they don't care.
I own at least a dozen bras and up to 3o panties.in Addition there are six different skirts and 40 blouses (highcollared , ruffled,pussy-bowed,Lolita-Style and regular-Fitting),all made of silk,satin and chiffon,plus one very elegant Jaquardblouse.The most feminime you can imagine.Of course they are all pastell-coloured.Sky-blue,pink,teal,ecru,ivory,dark-green,light red,golden,white,I am desperately seeking some Polka-dotted blouses . And they all find their place in my regular wardrobe.
<p style="text-align: left;">....for going undercover !</p>
Jasmine I love that !
"No organization to it what so ever"
<p style="text-align: left;">I studied computers back in college. A heap is a legitimate bonafied method of storage...... And that's what I tell people at work when they complain about my desk being messy.</p>
Trying to hide my bounty would be rather hard to do, and I don't feel the need. I am surprisingly quite organized with my clothing, wish I could say the same about my work tools and materials. I do the seasonal rotation within my closets and dressers, keeping the most relevant items in the main floor laundry room, close at hand.
Autumn, back when I worked (almost 8 years ago now), they used to say “A cluttered desk is a sign of genius.” I believe that’s true. Mine was always neat as a pin.
I remind myself of the incompetent character “Milton” in the movie “Office Space”, forever claiming proprietary rights to his red stapler. I seem to remember he kept a neat desk, also. (Of course, he showed no potential for ever enjoying the wonders of crossdressing!)
so.... another movie I have to watch....re-watch. It has been so long since I saw office space I can't remember a single thing about it. As much as I would like to be a genius, (or regarded as one) I know I'm not. I'm not a dim-bulb, but if i were a genius I think I would have figured out how to capitalize on that by now. And a neat desk isn't a sign of not being a genius either. I bet Sheldon Coopers desk is neat as a pin also 😉
My menswear and womenswear are stored together and organized as the one wardrobe that it is. As for keeping track of everything, it ia no more difficult than it was prior to the addition of womenswear.
MacKenzie Alexandra
I have limited space for my things. I have my boy things in one dresser and 1/2 of the closet. I have a cabinet wit 2 large drawers, one is for panties, and one for bras, stockings and related things. I try to hang my dresses, blouses, negligees, etc. in the other half of the closet. It is packed. I try to hang everything in groups so I can find things. I use suitcases to store every thing else. I have one just for all my shoes/heels, one for my makeup and jewelry, and one for all my petticoats. It works for me as I know where to look for what I need. I wish I had a walk-in closet, that would be so much easier.
Love Jennifer
Rox, darling,
Would love to see you at the September meeting of Sigma Epsilon.
We need the participation.
Peggy Sue
Peggy Sue,
Too funny for words! Can't answer the question, though. "Organization" is not in my dictionary.