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Way to draw attention to yourself -- or, worryingly, perhaps not.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Wifey is on holiday in Rhodes at the moment so I am home alone. The weather today was a bit grim so decided to dress and go into the city en femme to buy a few things: a new handbag (purse, to our American hosts, but then you knew that), nail poiish remover and a couple of other things. I went to Waterstones bookshop, they have a coffee shop there, and bought their book of the month. This comes with a free coffee, to be taken then or some other time in the same month. I thought I'd take it now and headed for the coffee shop. I ordered a black coffee and sat down to drink it, no one was taking any notice of me. 'I know', I thought to myself, 'I'll change my stuff to my new handbag while I'm sitting here'.


I pulled out my keys and immediately set off the attached rape alarm!! High-pitched warbling, you would think, would wake everyone up and have them staring in your direction. Silenced it immediately and looked around, nothing. I don't think anyone had even looked up.


Now from a CD disguise point of view it was a good thing that the alarm didn't draw any undue attention, from a potential trouble point of view, it's a little worrying. Now I'm not a small guy and would probably frighten someone off if they decided to make trouble and the alarm is there just in case, as an little extra. If I was a genuine girl, I'd be a bit concerned that no one was likely to come to my rescue any time soon.


Of course, the location has to be taken into account. There are security alarms at the checkouts which might go off, and the fact that I was in a crowded coffee bar would probably not give rise to any attacks on anyone, but it makes you wonder.


They always say about car alarms, if you can't hear it yourself, it won't make any difference to a car thief and no one else will do anything.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1788

@rebeccabaxter In the context also, some people have very loud and piercing ring tones for their phone, maybe some people took it as that, especially as you silenced it quickly? In another location the alarm could well work. Alarms are designed to assault the ears and by leaving it operating, it would soon have the effect of sending someone on their way and attracting attention.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Except for our mobile devices announcing a new text message, nobody pays attention to the various alarms, alerts and notifications we're inundated with every day.  It's a worrying concern.  Those that would do us harm are well aware that most people pay little attention to warning signs anymore.  Personal safety is an afterthought.

When I'm out and about I take responsibility for my own safety. That means using common sense, avoiding risky places and situations, minimizing distractions, paying attention to my surroundings, and being prepared to defend myself if the need arises.


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Honorable Member     Queensland, Australia
Posts: 312

@rebeccabaxter sadly in the world we live in there is so much crime and violence that many people don't take a lot of notice in what is going on around them. However it was probably a good thing that no one noticed you

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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Here on the other side of the pond, we use pocketbook, handbag and purse almost interchangably, although purse can also be the money and card holder inside the handbag.

It's unfortunate that there are so many false-alarms (metaphorically as well as literally) that people don't even respond to alarms. This is why no one responds to car alarms; most of the time what sets it off is not a thief. (I attended a fireworks show one year, and some of the really loud booms would set off car alarms in the parking lot.)

From a safety point of view, the fact that no one even looks up is disturbing. If you are unable to scream, and no one responds to the alarm, then the alarm is pretty useless and safety is severly comprimised.

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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I didn't realise rape alarms were still a thing. They were very popular in the 90s. We were chatting in work a short while back. A few of the girls in the office are in their early 20s. They are very switched and and quite sassy. I mentioned late night walks home etc, and that when I was younger, ladies carried rape alarms. They never knew such things existed. Small cans of hairspray or bottles of perfume were mentioned as ways of getting rid of undesirables. A squirt in the face would probably work. Mostly, these young girls understand that the chances of getting attacked are very slim, and don't worry too  much about it. If they do get worried at any time they phone a friend and keep chatting with them until they get home.


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Prominent Member     Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 2 years ago

Rape alarms? Are they still around? I carry mace. 

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1284


Here in the UK, the carrying of mace, pepper spray, knives, wrecking bars or literally anything that could conceivably be used as an offensive weapon (even if it is for defence) is illegal and if stopped by the police while carrying such things one would be wide open to prosecution if one didn't have a very good reason for having it on ones person. For the most part, it works quite well in that if you are not really allowed to carry such things then other people would generally not be carrying them either, so tiny incidents are unlikely to grow into major problems. Of course if one is a criminal then they probably don't care and as such probably wouldn't be bothered by mace either. It is their job and they are probably better at attacking people than I would be so my best defence is running away, appeasement or attracting the attention of as many people as I can as spraying them with a noxious chemical is more likely to get it taken off me and used on me instead.

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Prominent Member     Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 594

@rebeccabaxter lol, I completely understand.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I suppose you are right Rebecca, people are so used to the shrill of phones that nothing disturbs anyone. Once upon a time anyone walking the streets talking to themselves was seen as a bit 'odd' now it is normal as are zombies that drift along the paths oblivious of the world around them. 

Back in the day my dad gave my sister a piece of lead to put in her handbag which made sense as a full handbag is quite a weapon but add a lump of lead.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Alarm fatigue (as its known in healthcare) is common these days, along with not wanting to get involved. It is a shame our society has gotten to this point but it is a fact we must deal with. We are responsible for our personal safety, so situational awareness is necessary as well as having something to defend oneself with, Personally I carry pepper spray. 

I do think it is wonderful that you were able to go out and spend the day as you did. How wonderful to go shopping and to a coffee shop. It must have felt nice to change your purse/handbag as you sat there with your coffee (at least until the alarm went off). Hope the rest of your outing was uneventful.


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Reputable Member     Lincoln city, Oregon, United States of America
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The one time some jerk tried to confront me when I was dressed enfemme I sent them packing with their tail tucked between their legs,  that was 40 yrs. ago.  Today I don't know what I would do, probably just ignore them and walk away. Hopefully that would never happen in todays age, at least I like to think society has advanced past the neanderthal age. wishful thinking I'm sure.


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