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So ladies, do you wear matching outfits with your SO, either on purpose or not, and in male mode or while dressed? After knowing each other for over 30 years, married for 24 of those, my wife and I have noticed we dress more alike now than before when I am in male mode. It always is when we are casually dressed, typically wearing jeans with some similar colored top. We have yet to match while I’m dressed, but I have this feeling that is going to happen at some point too.
My SO goes out with me from time to time, but we've never coordinated outfits...well, except for this past Halloween, where we made up 2 of the Spice Girls (her Sporty, and me Ginger).
1/. Me darlin knows but"does not want to know" about Caty. 2/. She would run a generous 12 and I'm at least an 18 to 20 or any of my femme clothes.
It aint gunna happen.
The only time I can think of was once we both wore a pair of Paris print capris and a red top we bought. We originally bought the outfit for her, it didn't fit her, I tried it on and it did. We bought the same thing again for her in a different size. When hers came she tried it on and I put mine on. It was fun spending the day like that, unfortunately it was at home (one of her rules is that my dressing stays in the house). It would be fun to go out in matching or similar outfits whether I was in male mode or dressed. Who knows what the future holds.
My partner and I each have a long grey wool bodycon dresses. She had hers already, but shortly after I came out to her, found one in my size on Ebay (she was very annoyed as I only paid £2 for mine! lol) and from time to time we will both wear them. She still looks much better in hers though.
She does joke sometimes that I have 'stolen her style' which I accept to a degree as she has taught me a great deal about accessorising; also, I have inherited quite a few items of clothing from her, so sometimes I am dressed a bit like her 🙂
I match with my wife a lot more when I'm in male mode.. we're both into the same music scene so most of our clothes are black lol. Sometimes we opposite match and it's adorable... We went on a cruise recently and on the last day I was wearing a red shirt, black shorts, and red shoes, she had on a black shirt, red pants, and black shoes, and it wasn't planned! It just frequently works out that way. My femme style is a little different from hers so we don't quite match in the same way, although she got us some matching lingerie for Christmas
We did before she passed. She was a jeans & teeshirt girl mainly, so we did wear similar colours to match. I used to see a lot of couples like that. She used to like us to wear the same nightwear too, again she wasn't a nightie person, so we used to wear the same short pj's. I used to love it and ended up buying our pj's as femme as I could get away with.
My wife and I do have similar ideas on the styles of clothes and fabrics that we like. She has a dress in a particular fabric from the store we often go into, and I (separately) bought the skirt in the same material. I usually try to avoid wearing my skirt if she is wearing the dress, but a few days ago we found we had coincidentally chosen the matching dress/skirt 🤔 . I pointed this out to her, but she was not at all bothered about us going out together in similar styles. However I don't think we would ever deliberately aim to fully match each other - that would not go down well!
After being together for more than 45 years and only having so many clothes, it's bound to happen when I'm in male mode. As far as when I'm dressed as Sherri, I think she would go out of her way not to dress the same since she is really only just accepting my dressing and doesn't join the fun. I am so envious of all you ladies that have such supporting partners, hold on to them and treat them very special as they are.
Davina- After about the age of five I would highly recommend NOT wearing the exact same wardrobe. But when you and your SO go out together, I would recommend both of you wearing colors that compliment your partner. The styles should also compliment, if you are wearing a denim skirt your SO should probably stay clear of a evening gown. Stay similar but definitely not the same. LuvNHugs, TERI
Well back when my wife and I were dating there were a couple of girls (who were probably the mean girls in high school) that always commented how my wife and I used to dress alike. We generally sneakers, jeans and a golf shirt. Looking back, I found it to be a left-handed complement. Some 25 year later for us to wear matching outfits means I would have to go out in boy mode. LOL
Its never happened (nor is it likely to, being closeted) but I love the idea!
We do not consciously match but what does happen is one of us will buy or order something eg leggings and the other will go "oohhh they're nice " and get themselves some .
Hi Davina, though my wife and I are different shapes and sizes, there have been many times over the years when we have both liked and bought two of the same dresses/skirts etc. I do try to avoid wearing the same outfit at the same time as her - but she is often amused and points out how I have been influenced by her style - and she is right: I think her influence has helped me learn to dress in a coordinated and ‘quiet’ way! X
Yes we do have a bit of similar styles, hers is more laid back jeans and shirts/ sweatshirt. Mine is more skinny jeans and a shirt in guy mode. In feminine mode it is skinny jeans and a pretty top or Blouse or tangtop that has sparkling patterns. I am differently the more girly one out of the two of us. But over the years I have bought so many clothes for her hopefully she would wear that now they fit me and she let's me have them.
Did I do this subconsciously maybe I don't know.