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Web page design for CD activities

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Posts: 1325
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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

I'm thinking of building a web site just for postings musings, photographs, perhaps the odd video, with me en femme so as to document my progress (or not) improving my feminine look. The website will only be accessible by me and those that know.


Anyone else made their own cross-dressing website? How did it go? What web design software did you use?

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Reputable Member     South Central, Indiana, United States of America
Posts: 220

@rebeccabaxter There are lots of hosting sites.  The issue you are going to run into is how to keep it private.  Please note that google searches all sites and add them to the algorithm.  There is a way to add some custom code to the site to tell them not to scan.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1325

Posted by: @dianas1960

@rebeccabaxter There are lots of hosting sites.  The issue you are going to run into is how to keep it private.  Please note that google searches all sites and add them to the algorithm.  There is a way to add some custom code to the site to tell them not to scan.


In some ways, I think I might find that I didn't want to stop Google searching for it, it would be an interesting way to 'come out'. I wouldn't want to actively promote the site but if someone came across it accidentally well then, it's not really my problem anymore, is it? It's kinda like leaving it all to fate. Also, I wouldn't have my real name on it and if I do a good job, they couldn't actually be sure if it was me or not 😀 .


I'm just thinking out loud about this at the moment and have yet to make a decision about whether to do it and this topic is a fishing exercise for ideas at the moment.


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Duchess Annual
Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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I'm hopelessly lost when it comes to creating a website.  The younger generations seem to be able to throw one up with ease.   Not sure why I commented since I am of no help whatsoever.  But I hope you figure it out! Smile  

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1325

Posted by: @patches

I'm hopelessly lost when it comes to creating a website.  The younger generations seem to be able to throw one up with ease.   Not sure why I commented since I am of no help whatsoever.  But I hope you figure it out! Smile  


Ignorance is commonly bliss sometimes, and I don't mean that at all disrespectfully. I've worked with electronics and computers in their many stages of evolution since 1970 but not web design, and certainly not about cross-dressing, and a little learning can be a dangerous thing, hence my question. 


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Reputable Member     Santa Clarita and Oakhurst (I have a vacation home), California, United States of America
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If you don't want to, or don't know how to, do the actual coding your self, there are lots of options. You can go with an AI, that does it all for you. I recently helped a friend with a page like that. It was amazing, but I'm not sure how it would work on a CD site. 

I used to do my pages by writing my own code. Now days, I use what's called a Content Management System (CMS) like Wordpress or Joomla on the sites I maintain. Wordpress is more popular, but I think Joomla is easier to learn and navigate. It's what I use on all but one of my sites. Both are supported by most hosting companies and they will usually install either one of you  

In response to google indexing your site, there is a simple line in a file you put in your root directory to tell the robot/spider not to index your site.

If you have any questions, feel free to message me. 

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(@Anonymous 91116)
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Dear Becca,

I concur with the other comments that it would be difficult to keep the website private if hosted on a Individual domain.

An alternative would be to create a blog using a server similar to blogspot, which allows you to privatise the acess via password.

I personally have used weebly, wix, squarespace, and cargo for creating websites for work. They are drag/drop template based so you don't have to do any coding.

Do update all of us when you have started or completed your website 🙂

With all my support and encouragement, 

The Bluest Belladonna 

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Reputable Member     Santa Clarita and Oakhurst (I have a vacation home), California, United States of America
Posts: 176

@bluestbelladonna actually, it's very easy to stop indexing. At the top of every page, you insert a line that says <meta name="robots" content="noindex">. If you use a CMS, you can put that meta tag in the settings and it is added automatically. To stop robots/spiders from even "crawling" your site, you add a file called robots.txt to the root directory of your site with the following lines.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

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