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Hi Girls.
So I had my second ever makeover a couple of Fridays ago. As a seasoned veteran of these things now it was lovely to feel so relaxed and excited, with none of the fear and nerves of the first experience.
I had a better idea of what I was looking for this time. I've read from some of you ladies that you want your makeover to reflect the real natural you. I totally get that for you girls that are en femme 100% of the time, or close, but for my second dressing up session in 35 years I wanted to be as girly as possible, and I think I largely succeeded. Some of my makeup ideas could perhaps have been better thought through but generally I'm so thrilled and had such a girly time. I'd definitely do it again given the opportunity.
Anyway I'm just popping some pics up. Let me know what you ladies think, and if you haven't done it before it's a no brainer (or if you've done it once Holly just put your big girl panties on and do it again!).
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Well, I am going to the UK hopefully soon and will be taking a dive into total makeovers then even having a bra fitting at some nice place like Victorias Secret, do any of the girls out there recommend anywhere nice ??
Congratulations Christie, you look fabulous and girly. I am happy for you that you were able to achieve it from your list.
Christie you’re awesome. I love that pink dress and the pink cardigan. Pretty colors and pictures. Hope your day was wonderful. Love , hugs and kisses.
I can understand why you are so happy with your makeover - the results are fabulous! It must have felt amazing too. You look so happy and pretty in the photos Chrissie, you must feel so pleased with the results. And you look lovely in that pink and white outfit 🙂
Congratulations! 😁
Congrats on this adventure!! Your photos came out amazing!!
It must have been hard though taking it all off and returning to normal life. I feel that way when I go out dressed, feel really good about my look, feel good about interactions with others, and then have to go back home and change.
Gosh Chrissie those pictures are amazing. You look wonderful, totally girl. To understand that you are so far in the closet it's called Narnia to have that moment is so valuable. You now have those images and memory of a wonderful day which has added to your good life.
Chrissie -
You are gorgeous. It looks like you had a fun day.
That was an excellent and beautiful makeover and photo shoot. I hope you went out on the town for the evening. You are stunning and easily pass.
I have had three sessions, one in London on a visit. I didn't have the wardrobe or time to go out completely decked out, but did attend a play mostly dressed (no wig or forms, but black stockings and a skirt.) My second was just afternoon make up so I could walk around shopping, but my third I went for an evening look and attended a concert en femme and it was lovely. The second and third times were at Sephora for just makeup. I still want to do a complete make over and photo shoot.
Chrissie the photos are absolutely gorgeous, you should be proud. They remind me of a conversation I recently had with a friend, i showed her a few of my best photos. I asked her if she had any she really loved? She told me no, she doesn’t take many pics. I was surprised because she looked good in person, I felt a little bad for her. Imo it’s great to have at least a few you really like of yourself, and chrissie as I said earlier you have a whole slew you can be proud of. Good for you.
Wow! You look so beautiful in your photos! You must be so excited about the outcome. Everyone here is so happy for you. Your eyes, lips, wig, dresses and shoes are all perfect- I am soooo jealous of you—😀. This is the biggest news on CDH -enjoy being a star…
Well, aren't you good-looking, I think you could walk right past your SO and she wouldn't even recognise you! I shall show my wife later as she keeps asking about you and your problems with finding a dress-up time; she'll be pleased to know you have managed to do something you wanted even if your femme-week was ruined.
Edit: My wife has had a look and says you look absolutely gorgeous and is somewhat envious as she says you look better than her!! She is being quite genuine too, I'm not joking!
Make overs are always fun. I enjoy make up.
Girls, I have been overwhelmed with the love and support from this community, particularly in respect of my ultimately futile attempts to dress at home recently. Thank you all. And thank you for the lovely comments on my makeover pics. As I mentioned to someone earlier, I think makeovers should be prescribed on the NHS. So cathartic, relaxing and uplifting. A great boost for mental health. I've posted a couple more pics, perhaps unwisely. Sometimes less is more. Chrissie will have to retreat back into her closet now. I've no idea whether she will be able to emerge again but I've so enjoyed my day in the sun. Love you all.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Hi Chrissie !!
You look gorgeous ! Love your pics !
I was there at BWBG last week for my 1st ever makeover session ! I am still waiting to get my pics ...but looking at your pics took me back there. Probably one of the best days of my life till now. Just had a grin thru n thru my time !!
Hugs !