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What crossdressing does for me

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(@Anonymous 99438)
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When I was 18, I was drugged and raped by my best friend. This has left me with deep feelings of intense shame and humiliation as well as feelings that I am responsible even though I know I am not. Emotional trauma is funny like that.

However, when I put on women’s clothes, that shame and humiliation go away. I no longer feel it’s my fault. We call people who have been raped survivors because we are not defined by the trauma we became victims to.

To any other survivors out there, feel free to reach out to me. I can use the support as much as you can. Thank you to CDH for providing comfort in my own skin. Most people don’t understand. 

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Reputable Member     Lincoln city, Oregon, United States of America
Posts: 198

@katielove    OMG I'm so sorry. Welcome to CDH, I think maybe we're all survivors of one sort or another here.


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Estimable Member     Acadiana, Louisiana, United States of America
Posts: 63

@katielove Wow!  So sorry you experienced that trauma.  I don't know that I've ever known anyone personally who has, but likely have since it's I've come to learn it's not uncommon.

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New Member     Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 1

@katielove  hello, my name is Tim I just wanted to reach out and talk to someone with a similar situation. I was sexually used by my brother from a very young age on into my early teens. I know it mentally affected me very badly and I am now (38 years later) seeking professional help. When I am dress up I feel unashamed, confident and truly sexy. I would love to talk to you or anyone else who has thoughts, advice or questions. Thank you very much

(@Anonymous 99438)
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Posts: 9

@loveit I would love to talk as well. I’ve only spoken to a therapist and my wife about it, so talking with you would be a great experience.

(@Anonymous 99438)
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Posts: 9

@loveit perhaps we can start an online support group. Either way, I’m here for you.

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Honorable Member     Citrus hills, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 333


Do notallow that happening define who you are. Do not allow the thinking mind control, or hold you captive. You are NOT thoughts of shame or guilt.

You are the observer of the thoughts, just see them and let them go. I am not those thoughts!


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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
Posts: 747

@katielove Katie, that is so terrible, I do so feel for you.  Rape is such a horrible crime, but you must realise it is not your fault and there is really nothing to be ashamed about.  It is the terrible person who you thought was your friend who should be ashamed and humiliated.  I hope that monster got the full punishment that they deserved and perhaps even more!

I am happy that you can find some comfort in dressing.  

You are certainly amongst friends (proper friends) on this site.

Hope to chat sometimes.  Hugs Christine

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Prominent Member     Florida, United States of America
Posts: 749

@katielove I am so sorry that happened to you Katie, that's awful. Hopefully you have gotten love and support over the years in dealing with that trauma. I'm glad that dressing helps you feel better.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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im truly sorry to see and read this so sorry for the trauma you must be dealing with hopefully you reached out to a professional therapist in this case not trying to be rude or negative but that kind of trauma may require some special therapy I haven’t a clue just so awful 😞 CDH dose offer comfort and care but truly not in a medical sense again sorry to hear about your situation hopefully my words don’t offend just being open with ya 🤗TC 

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(@Anonymous 99438)
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Posts: 9

@erinb I have a therapist and medications. Thank you.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Katie -

I am so sorry to hear about he trauma you suffered. I do hope you are getting some professional help to deal with this, PTS is horrible to deal with alone. 

Welcome to CDH. I hope you find this to be a supportive and loving place as many of have. 


Posts: 370
Prominent Member     SoCal, California, United States of America
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Katie....   Welcome to CDH, a wonderful place to be.  Enjoy your time here, so sorry to hear about your horrible life experience, wish you the best in getting that resolved.  I too find solace and comfort with crossdressing.  

From one SoCal gal to another, welcome.   Staci...

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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I'm so sorry to hear about the things you have been living with Katie.   While you are in a great place here at CDH, I sincerely hope that you are getting some professional help in dealing with these complex and deep feelings.   We are here for you and I am happy that you have found comfort through dressing.   


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