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When out in a busy place, I'm always scanning to see what women are wearing. Head to toe, I'm like Terminator. Always scanning. If I see a combinations I like, I'll store it, and then when I go go charity shopping, I'll look for things to recreate the look. I drive my wife mad sometimes. It has to be right. Close enough, isn't good enough 🙂
I've taken to noticing footwear. Before christmas, I noticed that brown knee length boots were getting popular, especially with tight jeans. I now have two pairs of brown boots! 😉
I have also noticed younger women wearing gym style leggings with white socks over them, maybe just above the ankle.... I've tried this... It's not for a 57 year old man, sadly. I do have a lot of "active wear" for someone that never does any exercise 🙂
The great thing about scanning is that if my wife sees my looking at another attractive woman, I can tell her that I'm looking at what she's wearing 🙂 🙂
Hi ladies, As many of you may know, I am a full time girl, as such I always have my own long nails. They are currently a half inch past the tips of my fingers and polished in a wonderful color called 'Big Apple Red'. I always pay attention to other lady's fingernails, it's probably the one thing that captures my attention right off the start!
Ms. Lauren M
I would have to say initially it is the overall look - hair, clothes, shoes, etc.. I will focus on nails though as I like to see the various colors that are worn. I sometimes get envious as I've only worn a pink tinged clear gel on my fingers to this point. I'm thinking of getting a skin tone gel next time I get a mani-pedi. My toes get color to match the time of year (right now they are pink with white hearts for Valentines Day). I have received compliments from women about my nails (fingers not toes - the toes aren't exposed except at home).
I also pay attention to earrings and necklaces. I like getting ideas for different earrings. I have quite a collection of earrings (more than my wife - but we do share) but can always use another pair. The same for necklaces. I do make some of my own jewelry so have some unique pieces.
Of course the overall look helps in keeping up with and understanding trends.
I always look at legs first - checking out what sort of hosiery is being worn.
I am a bit surprised there was less mention of boobs in this thread. I have to admit that is most often the first thing I notice, and my favorite bit to study, but as I noted, I have been very obsessed with nails of late, but I still enjoy noticing boobs.
Definitely makeup. I also try to clock what women are doing with their makeup- how much, how it's applied and how subtle it is. Of course this can lead to me being very jealous when someone has a flawless look but with only a sheer use of makeup
I just adore hands and wrists , nails have to be nicely done with tasteful jewellery, I regularly use a beauty salon for my nails and it makes me feel so lovely and feminine
I always look to women's clothing. So many wonderful options from casual to office to dressy. It is such a delight to see a well put-together woman. Physically, I admire a lovely figure and legs. Although, I have begun to pay more attention to a nice manicure on the simple, classy side.
i say every woman has something i notice. beautiful eyes, nice painted nails, long legs, nice smile, hair, nice curves, nice butt and boobs, shoes, skirts or dress and a nice voice. find a women with all these things and you probably found a 10. if she looks beautiful without makeup then that's another plus.