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what happens to your stuff when your gone?

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(@Anonymous 100087)
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do you ever think what's going to happen to my cds stuff when i die?

my stuff will probably be found by my family when i die. if i die fast it will probable go to goodwill or some thrift store. if i die slow i will probably give it to another cd. i'd like to be buried in some of my things and have my nails painted.

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@prettytoes If it's just me passing then my wife will keep some of the items as we wear the same size and like certain designers. She will keep some of my shoes for the same reason.

The rest, my wigs and all my remaining clothing will probably be donated to the local charity that we donate to now. All my lingerie, bras, panties, stockings, etc can't be donated for health reasons, it's the law, so they will just be discarded. Were we still in our old home and spending time with the sisters of our group then I'm sure she would offer everything to them and what was left she would donate or discard, but since that's not the case here, now, then they will just go. 

If we go at the same time for some reason then the family will find everything. They will find my pictures and know or they will discern it from the fact that my underwear is so different in size from my wife's. They they will realize why "she" had so many wigs and shoes. The light will go on and then it's up to them to determine if they really loved me and knew ME as a person of if all they find changes their perception from all those years of interaction.

Either way I will be gone and none will really affect me. 

My legacy is how I treated people when I was here. If the discovery changes that then what can I do.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 814

@prettytoes Thinking about it (thank you), I might have to pre-arrange with one of my more understanding children to sift through and protect my good lady wife from any unnecessary pain in remembering.

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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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I think I might be ahead of the game for once. My two daughters are beneficiaries and also executors of my will. They both know I have a wardrobe. I trust them to take care of business. How they do it up to them.

I doubt very much they'll want anything, except to maybe share out any jewellery and my various sarongs

Emma x

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@prettytoes I have a lot of things that I treasure and worry about what will become of them after I am gone. I wonder if building a pyramid is an option.

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Noble Member     Alberta, Canada
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I talked to my wife about wendy's stuff when I die, I mentioned I'd like to be made up as wendy (closed coffin as no one else knows about wendy) as I'd like to go into the afterlife as my femme self rather than my drab self.

My wife would probably donate all my stuff to charity.

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Estimable Member     Reston, Virginia, United States of America
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My wife, who knows that I CD, would be totally freaked out if she found out how much girl stuff that I have hidden around the house and my 2 storage lockers.  I have a GG friend who runs a women's clothing consignment store.  She has informally agreed to pick up my stuff, sell what's sellable in her store and donate or trash the rest.

I need to formalize that arrangement with her, sooner rather than later.  After all, I'm not getting any younger.

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Prominent Member     Belvidere, Illinois, United States of America
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I would like to think I would have some warning when my time is close so I could do a final purge.  My family doesn’t know about my alter ego and I would like to keep it that way.

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(@Anonymous 100087)
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@kerrismith but what if you got in an accident and died suddenly

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Prominent Member     Belvidere, Illinois, United States of America
Posts: 508

@prettytoes Yes I worry about that a lot.  It’s one of the reasons I gave up flying.


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Trusted Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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My ex-wife and the administrator of my living trust both know, with instructions to donate "those bags" without the kids knowing if something were to happen to me. 

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Trusted Member     British Columbia, Canada
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I've thought of this before...I guess my family is going to find all my stuff cause I am NOT purging again as long as I live. I thought of leaving a note explaining it all somewhere, I will probably do that as it would soften the shock of finding all my dresses and bras and lipstick and  breastplates, etc. They would deserve an answer as to why I have  a closet full of large fake boobs. In addition to that, I have a few friends I've come out to who would likely come forward and talk about what they knew of my dressing. Yeah, the secret would be out, I guess. I think writing a big manifesto about my feminine desires and why I crossdress and how I've wanted to be a woman my whole life would be a super freeing experience, and helpful to anyone trying to understand. Including myself.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 814

@nowornevergirl21 Yes, this will spur me onto do something similar. Brilliant idea. 💚☺️💚

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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My wife and I have discussed this. If I go first she will offer to our daughters whatever they want and the remainder to be donated.  They currently borrow items from my closet fairly often. Hopefully they would want to keep something. If she goes first I'm sure my enthusiasm for dressing would dimish or even disappear and I'd hope to donate it all while still able.  If not, may daughters will take care of it. -So gloomy for a Friday 😔

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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This has been a discussion and was told don’t ever look in the boxes just burn them I’m sure the ones that where told just in curiosity they probably look lol but least I won’t be here to have to explain 

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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Charity shops. My wife might take some, but charity shops. I said to my son that I would leave it all to him in my will. I won't say what he said, but the last word was "off" 🙂

It is a very large collection, so bagging it up for charity is the easier option. Most of it came from charity shops, so it's win win for them. They get it back to sell again! 🙂


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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Caty's "unofficial will" nominates charities who assist women who have experienced domestic violence  and also another couple that look after women with little assets returning to work. That covers most of my "day wear". The rest I would imagine will go to charity shops. Cant see a lady returning to work wearing one of my ball gowns or 3 piece "Mother of The Bride" outfits. LOL





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