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most of you are married and your wife doesn't know you dress. say your house burned down and you were both digging through the ashes and your wife found some woman stuff that wasn't hers. it was some of your cd items. what would you do?
Well since my wife does know, that question is easy for me. For those that have not disclosed...Most I would presume would deny or not say anything
I don't have a wife, so from my experiences when I've tried to open up, it would probably be more practical to tell her that they are from my lover.
Thanks for the What If Qs Rachel 💚☺️💚
We lostt our house in a wildfire, believe when I say nothing of the sort will be found. It is amazing how destructive a house fire is.
My wife knows all about Anna and I dress in front of her.
Anna xx
When she didn't know there'd be little chance of the few things I had surviving a fire.
Now we'd just be "is this your's or mine?"
When I die I imagine my kids are going to have to clear my house and it is something I think about from time to time. I do sometimes wonder if I should come out to them but then I don't want to make that relationship difficult for them or for me. I suppose its about legacy, I'd kind of like to set the tone rather than leave them wondering after I've gone.
Well in a situation like that it’d be easy to come out. Life’s too short and a tragedy like that would make that evidently so