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what if?

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(@Anonymous 100087)
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what if you were driving around all dress in your cd clothes. and you saw a car hit a tree and someone inside was hurt. would you stop and help knowing your secret my get out or keep going like you never saw anything. i sometimes wonder what i would do. i probably would stop and help. 

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 485

@prettytoes Stop of course. Someone needs help.

Besides, I've been pulled over and id checked, broken down when dressed and alone on the interstate and dealt with State Police and the tow truck. It wouldn't be an issue for me. 

Let's reverse it. What if you were all dressed and hit the tree? If you were hurt you would hope others would stop and not look and say "that's a man" and continue on.                You would be interacting with police, fire and ambulance, and maybe hospital personnel. 

So really, which is worse. Rendering aid and maybe giving a statement to the police or the other?

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Prominent Member     Northern California, California, United States of America
Posts: 531


Chery,  That's tell slot about you and the good wonderful person you are ,, its very very heart warming to hear that,  I just to say to you Thank You for you compassion,  and caring 


 I had to do the same a couple time and give First Aid & Care , first one on the seen,   it made big huge difference in both cases with the persons hurt, surviving,  once in a car hitting a tree were the person fell a sleep,  2nd time in a boat fire with  both the farther & young son.

But only in Street cloths !!! 

Thank you Chery , 






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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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@prettytoes Frankly, I'm confused by the thread. In your other threads you've repeatedly expressed that everyone should just get out there and do what they want and that you do so all the time and what's the big deal.

Here you seem to be expressing that if another person's well being were in question, your decision to provide aid may or may not be an obvious choice. 🤔 

I don't understand the two stances.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@melodeescarlet Isn’t she just asking a question? In the interests of debate?

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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@valentina16 A fair question, but it seemed to me that her positions were incongruous. I don't feel my post was inflammatory or accusatory. Simply asking a question in the interest of debate, no?

As I've noted many times, "Your reaction to someone/thing says everything about you and nothing about them/it."

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@valentina16 Yes, it's just a question not a stance.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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If someone needed help, I would help.

It wouldn't matter how I was dressed.

The idea of 'keeping going like I never saw anything' wouldn't even occur to me 🙁

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Like @dazzler I'm a trained first aider. The reason behind that was that until I took early retirement I ran a school science department, and also regularly organised and led overseas school trips.

First aid kits include latex gloves as standard (and, often, polythene gloves for those with a latex allergy). This is to avoid the first aider coming into contact with bodily fluids.

During one of the refresher courses that you have to take every few years, I asked what the protocol was if you opened the kit and found that, in fact, it didn't contain any gloves.

'In that case', the instructor said 'You'll have to decide whether or not to help the patient'.

I was appalled by that (as indeed was every other teacher in the room). If one of our pupils was injured and bleeding, the notion that any one of us would sit back and do nothing just because there weren't any gloves in the box was inconceivable.

It's the same with the situation you describe. Even if I was dressed as a Disney princess* I would still pull over and help.

Ellie x

*This was purely for illustrative purposes. I don't, as a rule, drive around dressed as a Disney princess.

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Prominent Member     Northern California, California, United States of America
Posts: 531


Elly,  Just want to say Thanks for you compassion, & caring ,  by Giving First Aid, That's tell slot about you and the good wonderful person you are ,, its very very heart warming to hear that,  I just to say to you Thank You for you compassion,  and caring !!!


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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 They have to say this. They can't tell you to carry on. If they did and you became ill, you could say "I was told to do it", and tru to sue them. It's a choice. 99.9% of people would carry on, but it's our decision, not instruction.  It's the sue culture.


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 814

@prettytoes Wot Cheryl said. 💚

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Prominent Member     London, Middlesex, United Kingdom
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@prettytoes goodness I would hope most would stop - . When reading this I was thinking u could say the same about many other situations such as ur having an affair , in the car with your secret partner and this happened , potential you get out to help and your secrets unveiled ... surely nothing is worse than thinking u are in a way responsible for a life 😳😍

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
Posts: 768

@prettytoes all I can say is that we have such thoughtful and caring girls here on CDH, that  Ido t believe that there isn’t anyone who wouldn’t stop under these circumstances.  I know I would, and wouldn’t think twice about doing it.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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@prettytoes regardless of the outcome I definitely give a lifting hand and hope to be able to save or help someone out regardless one’s life is more important then a man dressed in women’s clothes I say 

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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In good conscience, I would stop and help.  I saw what this was like years ago (in drab mode) and I couldn't just leave someone there.

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Trusted Member     Iowa, United States of America
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Yes, I would stop to help and deal with any fallout later.

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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I'm a qualified first aider. I have stopped to help people on a few occasions. This when Cerys was a secret. I've given police statements on more than one occasion when I actually saw the incident. The only times in ventured out was driving to my counsellor about 40 minutes away. I saw two accidents on that drive. Another time was it saw a girl get attacked outside my house by her drunk boyfriend. I ran out to help without thinking what it was wearing. The last time was when a taxi driver into my neighbours' parked car. The taxi driver was trying to drive away with bodywork against the front wheel. Again, I ran out to do him getting away. My wife phoned the police. My neighbours were away in holiday. This was the police statement. The taxi driver later got banned from driving. He was 4 times over the sink drive limit. 

Who wouldn't stop and help?


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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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I call for suitable help and wait for help to arrive. An injured person should not be moved because it could cause a more serious injury. Only a greater threat, such as a fire, merits the risk.
The secret is much less important than any life and not stopping to help in some way would bring me permanent remorse.

If my life were to be ruined, I'm sure I'm strong enough and I would rise from the ashes.


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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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Highly unlikely that I would be driving while 'en femme' but I like to think that my natural instinct would be to pull over and help irrespective of my appearance.

In reality, I was travelling on the tube 'en femme' a couple of years ago and helped someone who was taken ill as well as raising the alarm when the train stopped at the next station. The fact that I was 'en femme' just became irrelevant. I doubt if anybody really noticed or even really cared.

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Prominent Member     Northern California, California, United States of America
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 I had to do that a few times the same,  and give First Aid & Care , first one on the seen,   It  made big huge difference in 2 cases I know,  with the persons hurt, & surviving,  once in a car hitting a tree were the person fell a sleep,  2nd time in a boat fire were there still trying to pilot the boat with engine room gas out of control with both the farther & young son, on board,  I though for a couple seconds,  I was not sure if I  got on board,  I was going to get out alive .. !!!!  

The farther never said thank you,  Coast Guard did, the farther call the next day to ask me if I would testify in court for him, and the lost of his boat ...  ???    !!!!

But both time  in Street cloths !!! 

Thank you Chery , 


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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Perhaps a poor choice of scenario but understand the sentiment.

Yes stop and help, if it is of course safe to do so as to practice Dr ABC - The D being 'Danger'. No good running in blindly dive in and find a power cable over the car.

Although I am a regular driver I have not had an incident dressed where aid was required but in drab is another story......

Lesser events, such as having blown tyres, helping mums with buggies on stairs, wheelchair users through doors or helping with car park ticket machines and other casual assistance, then yes I will help out as well.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Without a doubt I would stop. The worse that coukd happen to me is a little embarassment, but helping someone in distress is far more important than my vanity. While this has never happened dressed, I have helped in such situations.

While I do not drive dressed all that often, I have driven long distances dressed many times. Fortumately nobody has crashed when I have been dressed, but it would not even cross my mind not to stop because I was dressed. 

Just an aside, people actually seem to be a bit friendlier when I am dressed, but I live in California, so it really is not much of an issue here. About the only time I might pause at such help were if I were in some foriegn vpcoumtry where dressing is an issue, but I doubt I would be dressed to any sigificant degree.  In such a place.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I'm a trained first aider. If someone was in need of help, I would give it. I've only come across situations a couple of times when I had to put the training to use.

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

I would absolutely stop to help. 


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