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Just for fun
What is the best advice that you have been given by a woman, be it a partner, friend or stranger?
My wife gave me four words of advice that I use many times a day.
Skirt up. Knickers down.
I had often wondered the correct/better way to sit down on the toilet.
What great advice have you been given?
The best advice that I was ever given is that no matter what you do whether it’s for money or fun, be the best that you can be.
The advice from my female supervisor my first day of teaching: "Go slow, go slow, go slow." I've appropriated this now whenever I make significant decisions.
how to remove eyeliner/mascara like I never had any on...
take a q-tip with makeup remover and rub along your eye lash line until it is clean
Ever? 🤔
Dad: "Fair? Who said anything about fair?"
About CDing: Someone's reaction to you says everything about them and nothing about you.
Really it applies everywhere, but I find it especially builds my resolve when it comes to dolling up.
I started to wonder where ' Skirt up, knickers down' was going, thank goodness your wife was referring to toilet protocol Cerys!
Dani, as a kid I was told to have three square meals a day too then wondered why plates were round.
I have been given a lot of good tips from friends of mine. I was chatting about make up with a friend who had worked in the business and discussing my attempts at having even eyebrows.
She said that the sides of the face are different and that eyebrows aren't twins but two sisters who look alike.
Another was when with an older lady she pulled the back of my cardigan down saying 'It's riding up at the back sitting high on your shoulders, they look slimmer now'.
Hi Cerys, Following all the eating advice.....40 years ago my doctor (Dr. Anne) said "every time I see you you are up 1 to 3 pounds and if this continues in 10 years we will have a serious talk about weight, diabetes and salads. So, if you want to continue to eat pizza and drink beer you have to adjust your portion each day until you can maintain your weight and still enjoy the foods you like. Instead of 2 beers, drink one and also one glass of water and instead of 5 slices of pizza eat 3 otherwise we will have a different talk in 10 years and you won't be happy. Keep adjusting your portion until you can stabilize your weight." It took me 10 years to really learn how to manage what she said but I finally got control of my body and still eat pizza and beer (2 times a day, it's my favorite meal). My weight is now well controlled and my doctors are amazed at how healthy I am and wish they had lab numbers like mine. Anyway that's been a good guide for my life and I'm glad she got stern with me. Safe Journey, Marg
Ha ha, I do have to work with tools on a ladder soon. Marg
Best advice was about being married. Love my wife and lay my life down for her.
In the framework of cding, it prevents everything being about me.
The best advise given to me was from my wax techician. Even before she knew I dressed she said in response to me showing for an appointment will red nail polish on fingers and toes, " If someone has a problem withit, it is there problem, not your's".
Though not a quote to me, I love the buck up and get it done statement from "The Marvelous Mrs Mysail" as she walks on stage..."Tits Up". It says so much with so little.
My best advice was given to me by my next door neighbor. She told to wear tight skinny skirt so I won't have another maraline Monroe moment.
Regards to going in public to the 9s the first time: “in a hundred years, who’s gonna care?” (Then rephrased to tomorrow)… same answer.
This may not be the "best" advice I have ever been given but they apply to crossdressing, as well as life in general.
1. Be good, and if you can't be good, be careful.
2. You do you boo. (From a gal that I have known for 40+ years - the wife's best friend - after she found out that I crossdress)
I try and heed both. Smile, Staci...
Only good advice I get is from you lady’s as a closet dresser no one to share with lol but my SO did say I need to dress more lady like then a stripper she don’t support or anything but allows and always laughing at me when we cross paths ooooo well TC lady’s and thank you all hug 🤗