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Just wondering what your go to outfit is when you come home from a long and stressful day at work or have simple had a down day?
Although I dont have any clothing yet as I have just brought Tiffany out again after purging all her belongings over 10 years ago. If it was the afternoon, I wish I could come home and slip into a sexy set of bra and panties, a set of D forms and a lovely romper. In the evening, I would want to put on a nice pair of cotton panties and a simple bra with a larger pair of forms and satin pajamas and curl up on the Chesterfield with a warm blanket and book.
I dont know why, but I used to wear a larger heavier set of home made forms in the evening and it just felt better.
Maybe it's just me.
So what are your go to outfits?
Tiffany 💜
If the weather is cold, a sweater dress with fleece tights (also nice if I haven't shaved), with heeled boots.
When the weather is warm, a summery dress with a pair of flat sandals
For work, a gray pencil skirt with a blue button front collared blouse and professional heels
same brunette wig
Hm...I don't know that I have a go-to. I have outfits that I think I look better in, or are more comfy - but still things are always situationally dependent.
I will say that bleepin' red jumpsuit is pretty near the top of the list though! lol
I do kinda also like the overall shorts...they make me feel cute, not an easy task for a [edit] not exactly huge, but not exactly tiny [/edit] ol' gal. 😆
I'm single ATM
Whaaaaaaaat?! Do you live in Blindstown? Boringville? Some post-apocalyptic town of one?! How, in the name of all things holy, are you single?!
Like Ellie I am also single, by choice that is, and my wardrobes and drawers runneth over. I cannot resist anything lovely and yesterday I added a dress and could barely shoe horn it in. I must review the stock or consider other options maybe, perhaps.....
My go to outfits are too numerous as is seasonal and weather dependent. I am always in some style of dress and cardi during the day. In the evening a nice nightie and cup of coffee is as good as life gets.
When I come back to home I frequently put on my breastplates, wig, panties, shorts and a tee or tank top. Barefoot. Maybe some fragrance. Then I relax. Sometimes I add some imitation jewelry such as earrings, bracelets, anklets or necklaces.
I don't have them anymore, but I had a pair of Cacique double string bikini panties that were a sort of leopard print with pink trim and a short nightgown that was sky blue with clouds that had glow in the dark accents. After a hot shower it was like heaven!
Nowadays I dont know if I have a go to outfit. I do have clothes I like to wear, but after my last major purge, I lost a lot of stuff I loved and I just can't get my groove back.
Oh Tiffany, I'm sorry to add a very dull response here but the truth is that I'm the opposite and just put comfortable jeans or shorts on along with at T shirt, sneakers and a sweater at the end of the day. I sit in my recliner and have a slice of pizza with a beer and watch the evening news. Now, I know that some folks really are expecting to hear about something more exciting but I'm full time and just live a regular life wearing women's clothes. I will share with you that I get up about 5AM and don't start working until around 6AM so during that hour I sew and alter my clothes. So today at 5:30AM I was wearing my black pushup bra under my black lace bustier along with my black miniskirt that I had just taken in by 1/2 inch to try on for Keystone wearing. Yesterday during the same time I was wearing my Hawaiian print black bikini top along with a high cut black bottom. The snow was almost all gone here and I needed to see if I could still fit it for this year. And the day before that, was a black bodysuit try on along with a pencil skirt and alternate size 4 stretch jeans. But then 6AM comes around and I have to get ready for work (I'm a lumberjack). So I change again into jeans, wolverines, a flannel shirt and my daily Maidenform T shirt bra and am out the door. Thanks for this fun topic. Marg
interesting topic.
The days I get to dress up is when my family is away / out of town.
Being from india, Sarees are something that always had my love. But wearing them is quite a task. But since, the opportunities to dress are scarce... I put in the effort to dress up in sarees even though i had a long day. Infact, once i start putting on the bra and panties and blouse and pleating the saree...the stress of the day vanishes away. The type of saree depends on the mood.
There are days...when it is physically tiring... i prefer to slip into a simple dress or a comfy satin nighty.
I no longer work so most time is around our house . Go to outfit , denim skirt and some kind of jumper . Tights of whatever style I fancy that day. Relaxed , casual ,practical and still girly. Any other times it's lycra leggings/yoga pants and a sweat top .
I really don't have a go to outfit. I also don't really come home all stressed out and need to dress for some relief. I just dress when I feel like it and wear whatever I feel like wearing.
Lately I've been on a dress kick, and my favorite dress for bopping around the house is a short sleeve midi in a "Ditzy Flower" pattern from Lands' End. I usually wear a white longline bra and waist shaper underneath that and whatever panties are handy. Sometime I wear some 2 inch heels but usually flats.
My goto outfit really depends on what my intentions are. However, that being said, my goto outfit for relaxing is leggings, a tee, and a sweatshirt.