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i was wondering what color wig most of you wear. i wear a blond wig because i think blonds have more fun. i wear a shoulder length wig. long wigs always seam to get tangled. i love short hair on real woman, but i cant wear a really short wig. take the poll so we can see what is more popular.
Generally red. Normally a deep auburn or magenta, occasionally venturing to a copper shade. My natural hair was auburn (these days it's grey). Generally shoulder-length or a bob.
My favorite wigs are red-ish (auburn or strawberry blonde) I really like shoulder length or longer but do have a little auburn Bob I like to wear too, especially on hot days.
I’m growing out my hair to see how it looks. But, I really love being able to switch looks with different wigs. 😊
based on my skin tone, black only. If i wore any other colour wig, it would clash big time with my eye brows (dead giveaway that I'm wearing a wig) and I'm not about to dye my eye brows.
In my collection I prefer shoulder length, I have a few that is slightly longer though.
Originally I was medium brown. Over time women's hair generally lightens and I began wearing more and more blonde. Lately I've tried some grey and it actually works. It doesn't make me look "older" as I thought it might. Maybe because so many women are going grey these days.
I always preferred a shoulder length wig. Any longer than that was too "young" for me and never looked as stylish as I liked. Now I wear most any length from shoulder to pixie depending on the cut.
I like being a blond but I also like how I look as a redhead. It’s good to have a choice.
I like grey myself. I have tried other colours, but since my old mans head is going grey (and thinning), the grey wig seems to work better.
What great timing for this question! I was considering going gray because of my age and just yesterday I brought this up to my wonderful therapist. She told me know way! She loves my hair and told me I’m not there yet (gray). She even gave me the courage to go to my wig store after our session in fem (something I had been contemplating) and I did! I needed a new wig.
I picked out a long dark brown wig with some small highlights, same as I usually get. I had only been there in drab before. The attendant and clerks were very nice to me and actually treated me better than when I go in drab! They had to know I was a cd after engaging with me. The girl helping me brought out a couple different versions and compared them to the hair I was wearing. We settled on the long pretty dark brown wig with some curl to it. I love how they feel when they’re new!
Anyways, sorry to ramble, but I voted brown (dark) because it resembles my real hair color and suits me. 🥰
So, I voted for redhead because I like red hair. However, mine comes with a caveat in that I don't wear wigs. I have grown out my hair so I just go with my natural hair color. I have debated on coloring it a deep red since I like the color but I am lucky in that I don't really need a wig right now.
Not sure if I will ever cut my hair but if I do, I will probably go with a red wig 🙂
Myself I really enjoy being a redhead. So my wigs are red. I have a shag style, a bob style and a long style. I think it comes from my family. I have dark hair but my mom and sisters are all redheads. So ….. I’m my mommy’s redhead daughter. Lol
I’ve always liked auburn. I’ve tried a couple of other colors, but auburn seems to be my staple.
I like wigs in different shades of brown. My favorite is a medium brown to blonde ombre wig. To my surprise, I have been asked on occasion if this is my natural hair. I wish it were like that. Well, when I was younger it was pretty similar.
Well must say as much as I love my color purple I do not own one 🤔 may have to consider but I really love the 2 tone brown with blond high lights
Which color I look better in is a widely and hotly debated topic. Alas, I've seen it take down whole chatrooms time and time again. I almost feel sorry about it. 😕
Truthfully, I feel like the vast majority of people who talk to me about it have a definitive preference - no one has ever said, "Whichever."
I started with the red and it's mostly what people know me for/recognize me. The blonde was a happy accident and I do like it, but...I think I'm a redhead.
Oh I love fiddling with wig colors! ❤️ I have brown hair so I generally go with a reddish brown - but I’m picky because I like having hi lights of red in a brown wig.
in addition I generally go with bangs and about 26 inches and look for similar color wigs that have different styles so that it looks like the same hair styled differently. 😮
but if I went with a second color it would be purple … love that color!