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I go for a dark blonde with highlights which suits my complexion and age.
I love my shoulder length Chestnut brown wig. It matched my own hair color when I was younger.
I wanted to take a few years off by going blond to cover my gray hair. I have 5 medium to light blond shoulder length wigs with another arriving in a few days. One of those wigs is rooted and the colors are mixed in various combinations on all of them. I also bought a similar color but shorter bob style wig and like it a lot. It comes down to my jawline and covers my ears as well. I use it for my day-to-day travels and am looking to get one or two more. They are easy to wear and need less maintenance than the long ones. I save the longer ones for dinners, being out with girlfriends or for more formal events.
I'm not sure if I actually have a preference for colour, it just just depends on whether the style suits me.
The 2 I have are a salt and pepper gray which match my natural hair color. One is a bob style, the other is shoulder length with curls.
Platinum blonde, with the plan to slowly fade to grey, more and more each year.
My natural hair colour was brown; when I got my first wig a few years ago I went for a light sandy colour. As I've got older I changed to a grey wig, I like it it it feels right (it matches my own hair now which has gone gray, so if a bit finds it way out from under the wig you can't see it 🙂 )
I put brown but I like an element of red in it. One colour I won't ever be wearing and that's blonde; at my age, if I wore a blonde wig I might as well write 'cross-dresser' across my forehead.
My first wigs I tried to match to my dark brown/almost black natural hair color. When I decided to try something different and went red I knew I found Jenna's color. I have wigs of different shades of red but red is my color. I recently bought my first blond wig and while I like it, I will now forever be a redhead
My wigs are all the same style and color, I went to a hairstylist I know who also sells and styles wigs, she took the wig that I was wearing off, saying to close my eyes while she put a new wig on. She said to open my eyes and it took my breath away! She knows her stuff and told me "this wig is so you!" I adore them! They're by Raquel Welch. The style is called "Classic Cut', a shoulder length bob and the color is called shaded hazelnut. It's a rooted medium brown with touches of auburn and ash blonde. You can see it in my recent photos.
Hugs girls,
Ms. Lauren M
Love my short blonde look.Did go redhead for a bit over the summer and it was ok.I will never go grey or white.
Need another style and going this week sometime.I dress everyday now trying to look my best.Never in a million years did I think I’d be going to work as Meg.Thanks all for listening.
Simple really
This colour
I like my wigs long and wavy black with a little grey or just black when my fantasies are for a much younger karley.
Over the years I tried blond with curls, brown with curls, and brown straight but didn't feel my best. When I tried red I really liked who was looking back at me from the mirror more than any other and I've been red for the past 6 years owing various styles of a similar color.