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sorry to say, i don't require a wig, i grew my natural hair long, this came from a fun chat i had with a friend, i did have a wig but only a cheep one, at the time my normal hair needed cutting, he then said "why don't you just grow your own hair" after a chat and laugh that's what i decided to do, while working and allowing my hair to grow a couple of young ladies i worked with decended on me not knowing i crossed dress but they did put my hair in pony tails just for fun.. i have sinced changed my job but now keep my hair long and still do my best with pony tail's but not as good...
I really love red hair, just not on me. Prefer wigs closer to my own brown hair.
I was always in the dark blonde, brunette spectrum> I just went for a makeover and a lighter blond was suggested. I'd kind of thought, I'm a little too mature for that but I was surprisingly pleased with the results. I have photos in my gallery if anyone fancies giving me some feedback x
I’ve always loved women with a darker style and with dark hair and eyes so i love my long black wigs
My natural hair colour is light brown, but my favourite colour is auburn, so I voted for redhead on the poll.
I have two shoulder length wavy wigs, one light brown and one auburn which I wear when going out (not both at the same time, of course) and then I have two seriously long wavy wigs, again one in light brown and one in auburn, which I wear when dressing at home when I tend to go for a touch more glam.
Both colours work well with my skin tone and eyes.
Have tried black and blonde in the past but neither really suited me. Good fun experimenting and trying different colours, though!