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Good Evening Ladies,
While browsing my FB page this evening I was met with a "someone I may know" suggestion of a very pretty trans person.
I almost friend requested them but then th0ught, "oh wait, if I do that.....". Then the thought occurred to me to perhaps open another FB profile under an alias, so that I may become friends with other trans/CD people.
But my conscious kicked in.
Any advice for a gurl like me?
Do you actually know that person? If so then add them. I have a friend of facebook that is into drag, doesnt mean I am or not. If you are in the cloest and only know them as rebekka then maybe not.
Creating a new profile could work just becareful of auto logins.
I agree, Maria - it's essential self-protection to ensure that you know someone, or know someone who knows a person that contacts you before making any kind of direct contact online.
Sometimes requests can be made by criminals pretending to be someone you know.
I've done work in Cyber Security, and the fakers are truly becoming less and less obvious these days.
Have fun, but please take care online. Remember that you are connected to a piece of wire which, in turn, is connected to the whole world.
I don't want to seem scary, just telling like it is - the dark web is a real part of the internet, and it can hide itself well. :0)
Stay safe.
I may be reading too much into this, if so my bad. Mindful of your feelings padawan be, betray you they can. Thought before action. If its merely for more friendships, no harm no foul go ahead. It also may be or feel like the opportunity of further self discovery you've been waiting for (even subconciously). That can be a slippery slope where the temptation of excitement leads you astray. Ultimately the path you choose is up to you and only can decide what is right for you.
When I started Cross Dressing I created a complete on line presence as Leah; email, Facebook, YouTube and the like, completely separate from my Male persona.
Generally the two are separate, but lately I've been getting friend suggestions from Leah's area in my male account and vice versa. Clean up cookies on your browser regularly to reduce the chance of that happening.
I also use two different browsers, one as Leah and one for male me to minimize crossover. I do still get ads for dresses and other girlie stuff on the browser I use in male mode.
As others have said, use caution. What is out on the web is not secure and given the right circumstances, anyone can view it.
Good Morning Ladies,
Thank you all for your thoughtful and valued feedback. This is exactly why I feel comfortable asking this group such a question.
No, I do not know this person and the prompt raised many questions. All of your feedback is great and provides more to consider and think about.
Love you Ladies!
The other thought too was to start my own FB page/group. If I do I will alert my friends here on CDH. It could be fun, if you are so inclined and I decide to take that step.
MTC (More to come!)